Wifey Birthday

Yesterday 3rd December 2008, I was on leave since it was my my wife birthday. On top of that, I also need to make the passport for my baby.
Forgot to mentioned that I'll be going to Bandung just before Christmas.
Remember on my last post, i did mentioned that this month I'm a bit tight on budgeting.
First it was my wife birthday, then I need to start paying my housing loan, next the Bandung trip and early next year my car road tax and insurance will be expired.

Something to share on yesterday event. We went for a buffet dinner in Shangrila Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Specifically in Lemon Garden Cafe. Well, here's some picture of it.
Overall, I think the food was marvelous. Perhaps someday maybe we can go there again.

Lately, there's quite a lot of rumors flying around the banks. Hopefully it just a rumors. Since the took over of the new management, everything seems a bit blurr. We will have a department meeting tomorrow and we'll see the situation then.


Anonymous said...

yum yum sedapnyer desert tu...bape hinggit sekepala wan?

wanrulez said...

sekepala RM98.
aku dpt free satu.

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