Adriana Admitted

My worst nightmare came true last Friday when the doctor said Adriana need to be admitted due to her diarrhea and vomiting. This means that she had to take a drip.

It was about 8.30pm when we arrived at Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital. Before we went to the hospital, we did went to a panel clinic and they refer us to the specialist. On the day itself, Adriana had diarrhea more than 10 times already. She really looks so tired. My wife didn't have the guts to look on how the nurse putting on the drip, so it was my job. By the time the needle stuck into her little hand, she was crying a lot. All of sudden my tears falls on as well.

We were forced to take a 4 bedded rooms, since there's no empty 2 bedded rooms in which my wife entitle for. I didn't use the bank GL coz its quite tedious. Off we went to the room and here's the picture of her on the first day.
That night, she slept really well and only woke up in the morning. The next day, my parents and my brother arrived from Ipoh. Well, this is their first granddaughter, of course they care a lot. At the same day, she started became hyperactive and easily she pulled of the drip. The nurse had no choice but to put the drip again, but this time on the other hand. The nurse tried two times on the other hand but they failed. The reason was Adriana vain was too small. So the doctor himself choose to drip her at her foot. Again, I can feel how in pain she was.
After spending almost four days at the hospital, Alhamdulillah she was discharged yesterday. She hasn't fully recovered yet but somehow it has improved. We still need to monitor her closely. Hopefully she will get better and we both can come back to the office.


Abu Humairah said...

byk2 sabar ye..
biasa la tu, dugaan hidup..

tgh musim bdk2 masuk spital agaknye..

akr4m said...

bro, hopefully she recover asap. i know how you feel since my Adam baru 9 months pun dah 2 kali warded.

banyakkan bersabar k.

Unknown said...

i wonder how a small baby like that can resist from feeling the pain... What she knows is just crying to express her feeling... May she get well soon... Amin.

Anonymous said...

Quite challenging to be a parent.What will be my test?

hang_lipur said...

adriana dah big gurl...insya-allah semua ok....last time nisrina pun kene macam tu...almost 1week nadey&acit tak tido betul..but doc says dia tak perlu lagi masuk hosp as dia still ok and not dehydrated! we suspect its all becoz of OREN RAYA CINA!!so be carefull with that oren..and kalo nak makan, PLEASE make sure basuh dulu it may contain high in chemical...

wanrulez said...

Thanx semua. Lega dah skrg since adriana dah back to normal. Sonok tgk dia hepi balik mcm dulu

Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah ank ko dah sihat :)

Langit Jiwa said...

yeay!! take care adriana!!

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