
Perodua Viva

Just came back from my hometown in Ipoh yesterday.
Guess what?
i bring together the new Perodua Viva.
This car belongs to my mother actually with the registration number AGB XXXX.
With green in colour....driving a new car is a terrific and fantastic experience.
I will use this car for one month before returning back next month.hehehheheh.

My 26th Birthday

17 June 2007 is my 26th birthday.
This year it was different from previous years.
This year....I'm celebrating it with my lovely wife and i got a lovely present - a pair of Dr Cardin shoes.
I still remember the same date last year 17 June 2006, it was the day I engaged with my current wife. I haven't realized how fast time is running passing me.

Once again....thanks dear for the cake and the present.
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers