
Job Vacancy

Lately, the bank I'm working with has been conducting a robust interview session. Well I'm not surprised with the project that the bank's has embark since the took over from DRB Hicom completes. Here's some of the vacancy that maybe you guys would like to try:

Last but not least, Man Utd has won the EPL title for the 18th time in their history. Glory glory Man United. Here's a wallpaper of their title celebration.

Futsal With Media

Well, I've been so busy lately. Busy with all the paperworks, presentations, support, POC etc.
Just a quick update on this post.

I'll be joining a futsal tournament with the media such as Berita Harian, ERAfm, IKIM, RTM, NTV7, TV9, TV3, Harian Metro and some other media. This was organized by the Bank. I wasn't planned at all to join for this only last minute they invite since Muamalat is sending 6 teams. All together there will be 24 teams who join the event. The prizes seems quite interesting with RM3000 for the winner. Prizes will be given until 19th place. So we hope to at least get 19th place. Hahahahaha.

Well, back to my day to day life.
Lately there's been something disrupting the harmony in my department, IT to be exactly. I don't think i can put everything into detail here. But as a result of it, seems like everyone jobs looks not secured. Hope that what we fear will not even approach us. Pray to God for this.

Adriana, now can stand easily but still practicing to make her first move without fell down. She also managed to show us her teeth and nose. We'll be teaching her to show her eyes, ears and other part of the body slowly.
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