

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir dan Batin

From Us:
Wan Azhar
Farrah Nor
Wan Nur Adriana

Adriana...posing with her raya outfit. The sweeter the smile...the more angpow you will get my dear. hehehehe

Ramadhan Al Mubarak

First of all I would like to apologize for never updating my blog for quite some time. Well here goes my update before the Aidilfitri.

It was a really tough Ramadhan for us this year. A day before the fasting months began, my house was broken by a burglar. I’ve lost quite a hefty amount of cash, my laptop, broadband, jewelry, hand phone. Rough estimation of the total lost was about RM6K. I made a police report, but I thought will search for a finger print (like the CSI), unfortunately, they just snap some pictures. So right now, I can’t blogging from my house while waiting for a new laptop as well as new USB broadband modem. I might buy the modem after the Hari Raya Aidilfitri. On the laptop, heard that the Bank management has approved all IT personnel to be given laptop.

Next on the Iftar. This year I do received a lot of invitation from vendors to join them for Buka Puasa event. I turned down most of them due to the time constraint during weekdays as I need to fetch my wife and my daughter first. And as we all know, traffic was quite bad during this Ramadhan. However, I did attend one event since it was organized on Saturday. The best part was, I was given the power to choose where to go. Considering on the location, parking as well as the traffic, I choose Sime Darby Convention Centre. It was a nice venue with variety of food. Unfortunately, I can’t enjoy all of it since Adriana was not in a good mood. We have to leave there early.

On the next day, I did attend another Iftar. This time it was with my old colleagues during university time. So far, we never failed to organize this type of event every year. Eventhough this year, it was a bit rushed and last minute effort, thank God the event was a success. This time, Adriana was in a good mood. However, she was too active running around. So she missed some of the photography session. Here’s some of the picture from the event.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers