
New Year 2010

Maybe it's a bit late for me to wish happy new year 2010. I was too busy lately. Eventhough the team has expanded the workload still the same. Nevermind.

Well, before looking into this year resolution, let's look back on last year resolution.

1) Lose some weight - Achieved. Lost 3kg
2) Bought landed house - Achieved. Bought a house at Bukit Permata
3) Save extra income - Achieved. I have deduct extra money for my ASB and tabung haji from my yearly RM200 increment.
4) Look for a better pay (optional). Since I just switch job in june. - Failed. Not really looking for another job. But if the right offer comes, why not for this year
5) Travel at least twice - Achieved. Last year I did travel a lot

So for this year:

Basically everything almost the same. Lose weight, save extra money, better pay, travel. I just want to add:

1) Performing Solat eary. Not delaying it
2) Buy a motorbike (depends on monthly commitment as well)
3) Proper records keeping (need to use back my basic accounting skills)

So that's all for now. I noticed that i haven't update the second part of my trip to Indonesia. I'll update later.

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