
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri part 2

Okey let's continue with some updates.

Last Sunday, I was on my out with my wife and my daughter for our lunch. Heheheh.
We just went out for lunch since still in Raya mood and nothing to cook actually.

Coming back from our lunch, i noticed that the condition of both my Myvi front Tyre was very bad. I can see the thread of the Tyre. Actually, i did plan to changed it last time when i got the bonus. Unfortunately, we can just planned for it but everything will be determine by Allah.

Considering I'm quite broke this Aidilfitri i just swipe the plastic card totaling RM370. This month my expenses was far beyond my income. But the Tyre itself is critical so i have no choice to change it as soon as possible. Luckily, we didn't use Myvi on our trip to Ipoh -> Bukit Mertajam -> Kulim.

Well there goes my money. My car also want to have some new things on it. :)

Meanwhile, it's been a while that i planned to get Adriana a children telekung. She has been following us with Awahbat (Allahuakbar). Here's a picture of her with the new telekung. So cute.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri part 1

It wasn’t too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin. I was too busy and have no time to update this blog.

This year Raya, I’ve been travelling a lot. One day before the Aidilfitri, I was still working and just after the office hour, immediately I went back to my mother in law house in Teluk Panglima Garang, Banting (not far away from the murder location of Sosilawati).

After some photo sessions and just after the Friday prayer, I drove back to my hometown in Ipoh. We reached Ipoh at around 5.45p.m. The traffic as usual, is smooth.

All my family members gathered at Mak Long house since my grandmother house (which was the normal place to gather) still under construction. This was the original look of my grandmother house.

The next day, as early as 7.00a.m I need to go back to my father hometown in Bukit Mertajam, Penang. Reason being that we need to depart early is because we are having a family gathering for all the siblings of my grandmother in Kulim Kedah. It was nice to see all the family members turned up during that day. The event finished around 5.00 p.m. And after Isyak we decided to drive back to Ipoh. On that day itself, I’m driving Ipoh -> Bukit Mertajam -> Kulim -> Bukit Mertajam -> Ipoh. Easily my new car mileage which was originally around 1k++ reach close to 3000 during the Aidilfitri.

I'll update later since now it's time to start working.
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