Let me start with the chronology.
29 September 2011 3.30am
My wife went to the toilet and then realized that there are some blood together with the urine. She quickly woke me up. And after some checking, we decided to go to the Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital (APSH) immediately. But before that, i did take a quick shower.
We depart from our house in Gombak leaving my eldest daughter Adriana. She was still sleeping during that time. Before that, we quickly grab minyak selusuh to bring together with us. Thinking that if it is just a false positive than we can go back to our house before 7.00am.
Reach APSH and straight away went to the emergency area. Once O've done with the registration, the nurse take us to the maternity ward. And as usual they will put on the CTG machine. Surprisingly my wife already had contraction but she didn't felt any pain at all. From that time, I knew that definitely I'll be longer than expected there.
I quickly give a call to my parents in Ipoh. Hoping that they can come over and look after my eldest daughter Adriana. Hehehehe... They depart from Ipoh after Subuh prayer and reach KL around 8.00am.
I had my Subuh prayer inside the labor room together with my wife. Surprisingly she still didn't felt any pain at all. She just had some feel of going to toilet regularly. According to the nurse that's normal before delivery - Consider myself and my wife as a first timer (our first daughter was born emergency ceaser).
The nurse checked my wife and told us that it's already 5cm open. It was quite shocked for us by looking at my wife current reaction (cooled). The nurse did mentioned that the doctor which was supposed to be our doctor - Dr Fauziah was on leave as her daughter just given birth. The standby doctor will be Dr Arizza or Dr Ashar.
I went to the cafeteria to take my breakfast. hehehehe.... I better get myself full knowing that i'll definitely be in the labor room longer. However, they didn't allow my wife to eat anything to avoid the baby from suffocation. Too bad. But I did smuggle some bread into the labor room.
The nurse start to break the water bag. I did asked, why can't we just let it broke by itself. They did mentioned it will take until tomorrow for that. Before that, they did asked whether my wife would like to take epidural or not. We refuse to take it and only take some pain killer. Half an hour later the Doctor came. And it was Dr Ashar since Dr Arizza was out bringing her mother for checkup. Looks like....again...same like my first daughter. A male doctor will be handling my wife.
The Dr did mentioned that latest by 3.00pm the baby should be delivered.
12.00 - 1.00pm
The pain has started slowly until the time has come. I did saw the head of the baby. I keep on helping my wife and Alhamdulillah...about 4-5 push...my wife safely delivered a baby girl weight 2.65kg at 1.21pm. Here's a picture of her...fresh from the oven.

And we have named her Wan Alya Irdhina....with the meaning "ketinggian penghoramatan kami".