
Summary Update

Just noticed that I haven’t posted anything last month. Well, I was damn so busy with all meetings, audits and deployment. In fact, in February there are a lot of things happen and to share about.

Last month was my eldest daughter birthday. Her 4th birthday. We decided to organize some “kenduri” for her birthday as well as aqiqah for my baby. Alhamdulillah it was a successful event eventhough the number of turn up was not too high since during that day it was raining heavily. A picture of Irdhina (take it from Saufi blog)

Last month as well I received my bonus. Hehehehe. Alhamdulillah. Even though it was just on a pro rated basis. Last year I missed out the bonus from Bank Muamalat. So to receive it this year, really excites me. I managed to settle my credit card debts and spend some for my wife and two of my daughter. Not to forget for my parents as well.

Earlier this month month KWAP organized their annual dinner. And the themes are The Great Gatsby (1920's). I rented out a suit from a costume shop. I didn’t plan to buy one since I’ll be using it for only once. Lots of prizes were given away. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of it. The guest artist during that night was Flop Poppy and Dayang Nur Faizah. I was lucky enough to get a special pose with Dayang.

Lately, I’ve been receiving quite a number of calls from recruitment company offering some job opportunity. I’m not sure where and how they managed to get my details. Funny thing, I did receive a call for the same position from 3 different companies. I’m not sure whether I should move on or not.

Last but not least, I have been in KWAP for one year on 15 March 2012. Now my immediate supervisor is doing my confirmation. Surprise? Yes. The probation period here is one year. Once I got my confirmation, the notice period will be 3 months. That’s the only difference. Hahahhaha

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers