
6 months and counting


Almost Complete

This is the latest update of my other house as at 28/7/2013

If i didn't stay here, anyone interested?

Two storey, End lot (10 ft extra land)...heheheh

I'm Back

I’m back for two reasons. One is back with some posting since my last post. Hahahaha. Second one, I’m back in a banking line since my last banking experience with Bank Muamalat. However this time around the role is slightly bigger.

It has been about three months since I joined the bank. Forgot to mention that I’m currently with Al Rajhi Bank. Leading the IT Security Dept. 

A quick update on my family, Irdhina close to 2 years old and soon she will be receiving a new brother hopefully. This is what a childs bring to your life – Rizq @ Rezeki. It was coincidence with the offer I got from Al Rajhi itself.

On top of that, I would like to wish every Muslim Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Last Day

Looks like i managed to achieve one of this year resolution earlier than expected.
Yes. Another job change. Hehehehe.

I'll be joining a banking line again. I guess it is well suited with my experience plus all the benefits that most other organization doesn't have.

Wish me luck for the future, and it's definitely a new challenge for me.


Trip to Guangzhou - Shenzhen

I’m no longer a regular blogger compared to previous years before.
Well, have to admit that with the existence of other social media such facebook writing a blog nowadays really tough and challenging. But I’ll try my best to keep my blog posted….at least something to say every year. Hehehehe
Last month 18 – 21/3/2013 all of us – myself, wife, daughter & both my parents we went on a holiday trip to Guangzhou & Shenzhen China. We actually booked the trip last year during Selangor Matta Fair. This was the first time I took a travel package. There are pro and cons of this. I’ll share about it:

  1. You will have an English speaking tour guide. Most of the people in Guangzhou and Shenzhen could not speak English.
  2. Easier for you to move around since to get taxi is quite hard especially after office hour. We had a terrible experience just trying to get a taxi
  3. You got to know some basic history of the country.
  4. Meals are covered. No need to worry looking for Halal a restaurant


  1. You are tight to the schedule. You can’t skip the itinerary.
  2. Some of the place visited not really relevant. We were bring to one of a Jed shop in Shenzhen, but still they bring us to another shop in Guangzhou
  3. Limited time for shopping. Definitely my most frustrating moments

We departed from KL on 18/3 at around 4.20pm and reached Guangzhou around 8.20pm. While waiting for our luggage and immigration check, almost 9.45 only we managed to meet our tourist guide. Her name is Stephanie. So nothing much we can do, just straight away checked in to the Hotel (Longzhou Grand Hotel). I’ve tried asking some direction from the reception but unfortunately no one speaks English.

The next morning as early as 7.30 am we departed from the hotel straight to Shenzhen. Guangzhou to Shenzhen took about two and half hour drive.Our first destination in Shenzhen – New World of China.

We didn’t really enter the New World China. Just taking some pictures from the compound. This place is like Taman Mini Indonesia in which they have replicate unit of Eiffel Tower, Collosium etc.

It's quite hard to get the picture of my second daughter....This is the best that I managed to snap.

Next, we went to the Chinese Tea factory or shop I can say. We were introduced with different types of Chinese tea with different type of flavor. We did bought some as a souvenir for friends and relatives back in Malaysia.

Don't ask me what does the signboard says. Most of the shops in China not really tourist friendly. No sorry.
After having our lunch, we went to Jade Shop. There's not much picture from there as camera are not allowed. Here's some i managed to snap outside the show area.

And yes. Both my mother and my wife bought a ring with Jade on top of it. Hehehehehhe. Price varies based on the age of the Jade.


New Year 2013

It has been so long since I last updated my blog.
I have to admit last time I was an active blogger since during that time I don’t have any facebook account. Now everything has been updated via facebook but I don’t want to leave my blog. It’s somehow a good reference when I’m looking for something – i.e places I’ve visited before etc
Today is almost half month of the New Year 2013. As my previous year, I will also put my New Year resolution here and take a look of what last year achievement.

  • Extra saving – Yes in my last posting, I did involve with some investment which I joined back in May 2012. Alhamdulillah….it really worth it
  • Property – I’ve sold my apartment before. With the money I received from it, I knew I have to  do something with it or it will simply finish.  So I have decided to invest in property. Not sure whether to stay there or not.  

  • New car – it was unplanned actually. However, frustration was somehow the driving factor to it. Plus extra money that I have. That’s the dangerous of having extra money 
  • Travel – I didn’t travel much last year since my second daughter was still young. No overseas trip. Only Cuti Cuti Malaysia
  •  New job – I got a new offer which I can’t resist. Twice I turned down their offers. Currently I’m working as Security Architect with one of the 4G Broadband provider in Malaysia.
As for this year, we have already planned / booked for two overseas trips. For a family trip, a year advance planned is definitely necessary. Cost definitely a main consideration. Next year, or maybe this year who knows – we planned for umrah trip. 

On my job, even though I have to admit the environment is nice, the package is tempting but somehow something still missing. I think that my skill was not fully utilized. It has been close to 6 months now, but yet I feel so bored. Maybe because it was a large setup with so many teams, so everything is much focused.  If the opportunities arise even with the same salary package I will definitely go for it.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers