
New Year 2013

It has been so long since I last updated my blog.
I have to admit last time I was an active blogger since during that time I don’t have any facebook account. Now everything has been updated via facebook but I don’t want to leave my blog. It’s somehow a good reference when I’m looking for something – i.e places I’ve visited before etc
Today is almost half month of the New Year 2013. As my previous year, I will also put my New Year resolution here and take a look of what last year achievement.

  • Extra saving – Yes in my last posting, I did involve with some investment which I joined back in May 2012. Alhamdulillah….it really worth it
  • Property – I’ve sold my apartment before. With the money I received from it, I knew I have to  do something with it or it will simply finish.  So I have decided to invest in property. Not sure whether to stay there or not.  

  • New car – it was unplanned actually. However, frustration was somehow the driving factor to it. Plus extra money that I have. That’s the dangerous of having extra money 
  • Travel – I didn’t travel much last year since my second daughter was still young. No overseas trip. Only Cuti Cuti Malaysia
  •  New job – I got a new offer which I can’t resist. Twice I turned down their offers. Currently I’m working as Security Architect with one of the 4G Broadband provider in Malaysia.
As for this year, we have already planned / booked for two overseas trips. For a family trip, a year advance planned is definitely necessary. Cost definitely a main consideration. Next year, or maybe this year who knows – we planned for umrah trip. 

On my job, even though I have to admit the environment is nice, the package is tempting but somehow something still missing. I think that my skill was not fully utilized. It has been close to 6 months now, but yet I feel so bored. Maybe because it was a large setup with so many teams, so everything is much focused.  If the opportunities arise even with the same salary package I will definitely go for it.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers