
Almost Complete

This is the latest update of my other house as at 28/7/2013

If i didn't stay here, anyone interested?

Two storey, End lot (10 ft extra land)...heheheh

I'm Back

I’m back for two reasons. One is back with some posting since my last post. Hahahaha. Second one, I’m back in a banking line since my last banking experience with Bank Muamalat. However this time around the role is slightly bigger.

It has been about three months since I joined the bank. Forgot to mention that I’m currently with Al Rajhi Bank. Leading the IT Security Dept. 

A quick update on my family, Irdhina close to 2 years old and soon she will be receiving a new brother hopefully. This is what a childs bring to your life – Rizq @ Rezeki. It was coincidence with the offer I got from Al Rajhi itself.

On top of that, I would like to wish every Muslim Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers