Yesterday, SCAN conducting a blood donation campaign.
Same as last year and previous year, i was one of the donor.
As a token of appreciation we receive a torchlight which also contains some toolbox sets.
not to forget the Mcdonalds.
For almost 2.5 years working here, I have met and worked with many special people whose talent, passion, energy, dedication and sincerity in making SCAN a success company, I really admire it.
Before I leave, I would like to take the opportunity to seek forgiveness from each and every one in SCAN, if at any instances, direct or indirectly, intentional or unintentionally, I have offended you guys or hurt your feelings in any ways. As usual, please halal all the foods & drinks which at any instances were offered or some what offered to me. Last but not least if anyone of you guys getting married please send your card and Insyaallah I’ll try to attend it.
Thank you guys.....and the memory remains.....
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