
Fire Drill

This morning, around 10.30 am the fire alarm started.
Everyone seems to be calm.
Then they made announcement to evacuate the building and assemble in front of the Grand Continental Hotel next to Menara EON.
Overall we took about 23 minutes to clear out the building.
Looks like ok right? But we are suppose to clear the whole building within 17 minutes.
So as a result we can consider the exercise failed.

By the way, this is my first experience with this exercise. Last time at SCAN Dilla was the fire warden for our floor. But I didn't have the chance and opportunity to see how will she do if they conduct the fire drill exercise. funny to think of it.


New Update

Its been sometimes since I last update my blog.
Last time I did mentioned that one of my best friend in SCAN is leaving the company.
Its no longer rumors as the person already leave.
To Najib, I wish you good luck in your new career.
Luckily I manages to see you on your last day at SCAN.

At this moment my baby is already 6 months old inside the womb.
Every day I can feel the baby kicking from inside my wife tummy.
The funniest thing is that it kicks really hard especially when my wife watch “Sehati Berdansa Show” on ASTRO RIA. Heheheheh.....maybe someday, he/she will be born as a dancer.

Back to my career. Last saturday in The Star newspaper there are advertisement on job opening for EON Bank. Of the position offered is Security Analyst. Same position as what i'm doing right now.

Maybe the new guy who join will sit next to my table. To anyone who would like to apply can send their resume to

Lastly, I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all Muslim.


Everyone Leaving.....

It has been 1 month and 1 week since I left SCAN.

Since then, many of my colleague have also left the company.

First one was Bob....this week will be my ex boss and the latest one that I heard is one of my best friends in SCAN.

Who is he? Well.....only time will know.....whether it is a rumors or fact.

However, I wish you luck my friend. A family man always need to think of their family first (salary) not the environment. Eventhough you can't never find the same environment like SCAN but trust me, i'm sure you can slowly adapt to it. Hehehhehehe. Like myself.


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to Sayang
Happy Birthday to you.

Today 3rd December 2007 is my wife 26 birthday.
Since yesterday is Sunday, we decided to celebrate it a day earlier. hehheheheh.
I bought her a cake and a handbag as a present. Not to forget a big hug and kiss.
I'll put up the picture later since i didn't bring my digital camera today and today also got a lot of testing need to be conducted here at EON Bank.

Last but not least, again Happy Birthday to my dear Farrah Nor.
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers