on that day I bring my wife and my daughter for a Buka Puasa event with my university colleagues. It was held at Hotel Sri Petaling. Why we choose that venue?
one of my friends works in the parent company of that hotel. So, we got a cheaper price for the buffet. Every year we had this type of gathering and each year we changed the venue. Well here are the menu served at the hotel.

Last week on 26 September 2008, I had another Buka Puasa event. This time it was organized by one of our vendor at Le Meridien KL. This is the first time I joined any Buka Puasa event organized by the vendor. I received a plenty of invitation but all I had to turned it down considering my wife and my baby alone at our house. This time, my wife let me joined it since its almost end of Ramadhan. Overall I think the food is OK.