Looks like this March 2010 is a lucky month for me.
On my last post I've won myself RM100 from Petronas.
This time, when I opened up the Internal Communication Portal, there's a memo.

Last night, I was glad that I managed to attend the Forum Perdana organized by Surau Bukit Permata.
The panelist was Ustaz Wan Shohor Bani Leman and Ustazah Roslina Jantan. It was a full house event. Congratulations to the committee members for organizing such a good event.
The topic discussed was on the “Teenagers in the era of globalization”. Interesting topic, in which has been a serious issue to all the teenagers especially the Muslims nowadays. The forum starts around 8.00 pm and finished around 10.30 pm. Not to forgot the refreshment which being served after the Isya’ prayer.
Last but not least, I’m just forwarding the message sends from Ustaz Wan Shohor.
He’s currently building a mosque in Bosnia Herzegovina. The mosque name is Shahabah Mosque. They are still in need of fund of about RM50, 000. Therefore, anyone interested can donate to this activity.
Details can be find here:Sabda rasulullah s.a.w...bermaksud 1. "Perliharalah diri mu dari api neraka, walau pun hanya dengan -kebajikan pahala sedekah-separuh buah kurma sahaja" 2. "Ada di kalangan kamu yang bersedekah dengan kadar sebiji kurma sahaja dari harta yang halal/baik, dan Allah pula tidak menerima kecuali dari harta yang halal/baik. Maka Allah akan letakkan sedekah tadi di dalam 'tapak tanganNya' -(yang tiada sebanding/serupa dengannya sekali-kali). Lalu Allah pasti akan suburkannya seumpama seseorang dari kamu membela/menternak anak kuda atau anak unta, lalu sedekah tadi digandakan Allah sehingga menjadi sebesar bukit"
Mudah-mudahan semua amalan kita akan diberkati Allah dunia dan akhirat....Amin!
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