
I'm a lucky man


Looks like this March 2010 is a lucky month for me.
On my last post I've won myself RM100 from Petronas.
This time, when I opened up the Internal Communication Portal, there's a memo.
Eventhough, it's not the grand prize winner which will get a Toshiba Notebook. Still i got a useful prize - a digital al Quran.You can refer the product features HERE


Just came back from Kuching yesterday.
When I reached the office today, there’s one letter on my desk. It comes from Petronas Dagangan Berhad. Huh? Is it an offer letter? But I remember that I never went for any Petronas interview. Hahaha. To my boss, don’t worry I’m not looking for another job yet.
Once I opened up the letter, I was shocked that I won a contest organized by Petronas. The contest name “Experience The Power, Enjoy The Savings”. Here’s the letter.
I was a bit lucky that I won RM100. Alhamdulillah.

p/s: I first thought I won RM10000 and got really excited only to notice there's a dot in the middle of the zero's. Hahahaha

Kelantan - Batu Pahat - Kluang - Ipoh - Kuching

What a hefty month for me this March.
The first week i went to Kelantan, the following week i went to Batu Pahat.
Basically i need to conduct security awareness program to all bank staff nationwide.
Its good actually since i can travel and claims. On top of that, i just loved conducting the training. It reminds me during my time in SCAN Associates.

While writing this blog, i was in Kluang. Just came back from batu pahat on Saturday and on tuesday need to come back to Johor in Kluang. Well its part of the job. I've never travel since joining Muamalat close to 2 years ago. Heheheh.

This week, the session will be in Ipoh. I can go back to my hometown with all expenses covered. Nice huh? Coming back on Sunday, on Monday morning i need to fly to Kuching. I can't remember when was the last time i went to Kuching. 2 or 3 years ago i think.

All the session will ends this month. So for this month, i'll be travelling very much and i really enjoy it

Forum Perdana Maulidur Rasul

Last night, I was glad that I managed to attend the Forum Perdana organized by Surau Bukit Permata.

The panelist was Ustaz Wan Shohor Bani Leman and Ustazah Roslina Jantan. It was a full house event. Congratulations to the committee members for organizing such a good event.

The topic discussed was on the “Teenagers in the era of globalization”. Interesting topic, in which has been a serious issue to all the teenagers especially the Muslims nowadays. The forum starts around 8.00 pm and finished around 10.30 pm. Not to forgot the refreshment which being served after the Isya’ prayer.

Last but not least, I’m just forwarding the message sends from Ustaz Wan Shohor.

He’s currently building a mosque in Bosnia Herzegovina. The mosque name is Shahabah Mosque. They are still in need of fund of about RM50, 000. Therefore, anyone interested can donate to this activity.

Details can be find here:

Sabda rasulullah s.a.w...bermaksud 1. "Perliharalah diri mu dari api neraka, walau pun hanya dengan -kebajikan pahala sedekah-separuh buah kurma sahaja" 2. "Ada di kalangan kamu yang bersedekah dengan kadar sebiji kurma sahaja dari harta yang halal/baik, dan Allah pula tidak menerima kecuali dari harta yang halal/baik. Maka Allah akan letakkan sedekah tadi di dalam 'tapak tanganNya' -(yang tiada sebanding/serupa dengannya sekali-kali). Lalu Allah pasti akan suburkannya seumpama seseorang dari kamu membela/menternak anak kuda atau anak unta, lalu sedekah tadi digandakan Allah sehingga menjadi sebesar bukit"

Mudah-mudahan semua amalan kita akan diberkati Allah dunia dan akhirat....Amin!


Adriana Birthday & Housewarming

Last Sunday, I invite some of my colleagues to my house to celebrate the Birthday of my daughter Wan Nur Adriana. It was also a housewarming to my new house. Lots of people keep on asking when I’ll be organizing the housewarming; unfortunately they are the one who fails to turn on to my event. Next time, my advices don’t ever ask if you just want to make a noise of it.

Well, back to the event. It was great event with lots of my University friends turned out. Thank you to Ciki & family, Taib, Acit & family, Pejal & family, Nik Apis & family, Cipul, Adli & family, Sopi & family for coming and all the lovely presents. Not forget some ex scanners Azi & hubby, Niza & hubby as well akram & family. Thanks guys. From Muamalat and ex Muamalat Fairus & family, Khalif & family as well Muiz & family, you guys are true friends.

For the event, we specially bought a dress for our daughter Wan Nur Adriana. Here’s the picture of wearing the new dress.And here's the birthday cake for the birthday girl on that day. It was a nice design choose by my wife.Some other pictures throughout the event.
Last but not least, Adriana posing with all the gifts and presents the she got on that day. Again thank you for those who come.
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers