
June Update

Well, there's quite a few of updates for June actually.
It just i'm too busy with the world cup. No time to update.

OK. Let's start with 9th June 2010. It marks the second year of my employment with Bank Muamalat. Meaning, this is the second longest serving job i had after SCAN. Can i break the record of two and a half year stay in one company? Wallahua'lam.

Secondly, 17th June is my 29th birthday. One more year to reach the old group generation. Heheheheh. My wife bought me a cake on the 16th and we planned to celebrate it that midnight. Unfortunately, Adriana can't wait for it. She keeps on crying and saying "Abbeday to you". So in the end. she's the one who officially cuts the cake. Here's a look of it:

I got a sport shoes from my wife as a birthday gift. That's one of my wishes. Hehehehe. Hope to get the other wishes next time.

Next thing, the CEO and my boss have bought a new iPad. It was my boss, so what the heck related to me? Well, since i've been supporting Mac before i've been called to explore this new iPad. Luckily it was not that hard. It's good to have i think, but i'm not thinking of having it at all.

After recieving some bonus, i'm thingking of going for a holiday. Preferebly within Malaysia. Maybe i'll take a leave early July since i still have 23 days of leave. Compare to last year, by June normally my total annual leave was already 15.

Last but not least, England qualify for the knockout....hahahhaa (luck)....and Italy sucks.

World Cup 2010

World Cup fever has started. Good thing is, it starts on weekend. So I managed to watch the entire match starting with South Africa versus Mexico until Serbia versus Ghana.

I did plan to wake up for Germany versus Australia, however I guess that my alarm not functioning well today. So I missed it. I’m sure it was an interesting game as I watched the highlight before I went to the office. Germany beats Australia easily by 4 – 0.

Talking about the World Cup fever, four years back when I was working with SCAN, I was the Vice President of the sports club. I did organize a fantasy football game with the entrance fee of RM2 per person. The prize was a replica of the world cup trophy which we design it ourselves plus some shopping voucher. The winner was Wynn, a diehard Italy fan and a LADY!!. What a shame to all those guys including me.

In 2002 World Cup, I was still studying in UIA. For the sake of world cup, I purposely bought a TV card to be installed in my PC. And sometimes, I did skip some of the classes if it involves interesting matches. Sometimes, I watched it at Pejal, Remi, and Herman room since they have a TV. If my mom read it, don’t worry I’ve already graduate with flying colors. Hahahaha. Flying colors since I never failed or need to repeat any subject.

So for this year, I really want England to win it. But I’m very sure it would be miracle if it happens. Especially when looking back at the goal Robert Green concede in the match against USA. I guess that Spain will be the champion. They have a perfect player on all position. Not like England which too sucks at the back. Sorry England fans.


Back to the Office

After spending 8 days on MC and a total of 13 days of leave including Saturday Sunday, at last i'm back to the office.
Good to be back.....but on my way to the office yesterday I already got a call on internet access problem. Well, what a way to greet me from a long vacations.

Yesterday, the bank also organized some Majlis Kesyukuran for the performance of the bank throughout the final year ends March 2010. Alhamdulillah the bank making a profit of 232% increase from last year. Another good news, the CEO also announce:
Hope i can get a good bonus. It's been a while that i ever taste a bonus since i left SCAN. AMIN
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