
Dana Yang Berkat

Just a quick update. I have been elected or should I say force to participate in a poem recitation contest. Yes, I’m not kidding. It’s a poem recitation. Sound funny right. Hehehehe. This poem is written by A Samad Said especially for KWAP before its incorporation in Mac 2007. According to the Corporate Comm department, lots of great prize waiting for the winners. There are 15 contestants which will go neck to neck this Friday 29th April 2011. Here’s the poem:

So far up till today, I have fully memorized four paragraphs. Only left with two paragraphs. Wish me all the best for the upcoming event.

Oh…on top of that, they are conducting a biggest loser competition as well. Each and every one of us has to measure our weight last week. And in one month time, all of us will go on the scale again. It’s a good activity which promotes a healthy lifestyle.


Debt Free

Yes. In the end, I managed to clear one my debts. This one always pronounces by others as PTPTipu…hehehhe. Well it’s actually the education loan called PTPTN.

In February, I only noticed that I can settle my PTPTN loans using my Account 2 of my EPF. Without hesitate, I quickly prepare everything. Though there are some obstacles I faced. The most problematic one is the difference of course name inside my transcript and inside my PTPTN offer letter.

I have to go back to IIUM to get a clearance letter from them to be submitted to EPF.

So from now, no more stupid admin fee (kos pentadbiran) charged to me.

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