
Biggest Loser

I managed to join in the contest organized by the organization called Fit & Fab Challenge. From the name itself it does shows that we need to get fit and a look fabulous at the end of the contest. It’s almost the same like Biggest Loser contest. I guess. They haven’t come out with the rules and regulations yet.

I first heard about the challenge 2 months ago in which each and everyone of us have to weigh in our weight and monitor our BMI. When I take my first weigh in I’m the third heaviest in the whole IT Department. Hahahaha…..I think I have reached the heaviest level that I had I my whole life. Since then, I’ve been doing lot of exercise and control my food and I managed to reduce 3kg up till today.

But somehow, the challenge only starts next week. Guess I shouldn’t start all the exercise and diet earlier. There are about 24 contestants who will participate in this challenge. Of all, so far I think I’m the lightest. In fact the organizer did ask me why I want to participate. Maybe they just don’t believe it until they saw my BMI which is above 25 to qualify for the challenge.

All the participants for this challenge are entitled to:

- Receive a healthy-eating Starter Pack

- Join motivational talks and fitness sessions

- Participate in trial workout at gyms

- Tips on eating healthy

- Weekly confidential weigh-ins

- And many other benefits

It’s a 12 week challenge and I hope that I can get my ideal BMI by the end of the program. Winning definitely not in my mind considering the rest of the participants which surely have much more calories and fats to burn out. Wish me luck.


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