
Irdhina Not Feeling Well

It was really a hectic weekend. Not that we went to travel anywhere. It just that my baby was not feeling so well. She was hit by a heavy cough and flu.

It all started on Friday night. When she was asleep....all of sudden she had a cough. At first we thought it as choking while breastfeeding.
The next day, her breathing sounds a bit weird. Still we (both me and wife) did not realize anything yet. So sorry my dear for taking too long to react. I noticed that there's a lot of mucus inside her nose.

First I took the conventional tools or method to suck the mucus out. Unfortunately it does not really work. I'm not sure because the tools is hard to use or I'm the one who don't know how to operate it.
Since the above tools did not give the satisfied end result, I decided to use the more traditional method. And it is using my mouth to suck it direct from my baby nose. And it really works. Just that I have to taste the mucus. But for the sake of her....I'm willing to do anything.

At the same time, my wife remember that her sister did mentioned that she did bought a modern tools that works really well. That Saturday night, I drove around my car from one pharmacy to another looking for the tools. And at last, I found it at Manjaku. It's involved the traditional way (sucking) but this time I don't have to taste it. On Sunday morning, we bring Irdhina to the clinic. And the doctor suggest to get the nebulizer. And the doctor also recommended us to get it 2-3 times a day. On Sunday itself we bring Irdhina for Nebulizer twice....once in the morning and the other one at night. And alhamdulillah she did feels much better.

This morning, I took a time slip to bring her to the clinic again. And the doctor confirmed that her lungs is Ok now. While she recovers, my wife taking an EL to take care of her today. Too bad that I can't take any leave right now since I'm the only one left in my team. Well the team of two. My boss is on leave until next I have no choice to take care the unit.

As for my wife.....I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and sorry for the late birthday present. Heheheheh....I only bought her the gift on Saturday 24/12 eventhough her birthday was on 3rd December. I had to wait for my December salary since last month my tenant give one month notice. Btw...hope you like the gift. Love you my dear.

Adik & Kakak

As the title said "Adik & Akak" refers to both of my daughter. Just a quick update on my life routine and adventure lately.

Starting on Tuesday 29th Nov 2011 officially the end of my wife maternity leave. And it also marks Irdhina two months old. It's also marked the first day of her at babysitter house.
I've been asking around my neighborhood one month before my wife deliver for a babysitter and alhamdulillah I managed to find one. It just 10 doors away from my house. I'm sweating a bit everytime I need to send her since the babysitter house is up on the hill.

My daily routine so far:

7.15am - packed all the breast milk

7.30am - send Irdhina to babysitter house

7.45am - depart to the office

6.30pm - pickup Irdhina

Talking about my eldest daughter "kakak". She's been too sensitive. Maybe because she's jealous with the attention given to her "adik". However, I'm glad that we can really depends on her especially when we need to take something such as diapers from our room upstairs etc. There are times in which your patience was truly tested but in the end I always need to admit that she's still a kid. A 3 years old kid. I'm sorry dear if you feel a bit neglected. But I do really love both of you "Adriana & Irdhina".

Not to forget, my wife who will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday my dear. Love you all

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