
Saturday 24/11/07

Last Saturday, I bring my wife for her monthly check up.
My wife is currently five months on her pregnancy. Only 4 months to go.

This time, for the first time ever, when I touched her stomach I can feel the movement.
Like the baby is punching from inside.
Hahahhaha....i really feel excited.

The doctor did mentioned about the sex of the baby but she can't really confirm it.
Hope that she's correct about it.

I'm planning to start buying some baby product this month.
At the same time, I still thinking what should I buy for my wife 26th birthday this 3rd Dec 2007.
Right now nothing pop up yet from my mind. Maybe because I haven't receive my salary yet.
Hahahahaha....4 days to go for my new salary.



It has been 2 weeks since i join EON.
A quick recap.....just before i join EON, i also got another offer from one of the financial institution.
I think i don't have to reveal it.
Eventhough the offer is RM100 extra, but after taking some time, I've decided to reject the offer.
Considering the location, RM100 doesn't make any much different.

I still remember on the last day of my employment.
Someone try to prevent me from leaving the company.
Its not that I'm not gratitude, just that i think it has happen before.
And the decision can easily change from one day to another day.
i guess my colleagues know about this issue.
Anyway thanks a lot to Hj Ramlan (I'm sure he's not reading this) for all his effort.

By the way, i have another 2 weeks to go before i receive my new salary.
ahhahahha......not to forget SCAN still owing me my 2 last day salary.
thanks to everyone who reads my blog.

Nice One


New Environment

Well, it has been 7 days in the new office.So far everything seems OK.
I was assigned under the Security Administration, Group IT.
Number of staff in the department just 5 including me.
I've been monitoring the honeynet, Snort, firewall and generating reports.

Last week, I met my colleague from my previous company (SCAN) – sufyan, liaw, RJ45 and Ansar.They are the team for the e-PKI.
The good thing is, i've been assigned to monitor them. Hahahah.Good one (can torture them).

The environment here, of course can't be compared to my previous company.
Miss my friends very much.


Last Working Days in SCAN

Well, tomorrow is my last day working in SCAN Associates after spending almost 2.5 years here.
Coincidently, tomorrow as well is the company open house.
Looks like a big farewell party for me.
Even the Deputy Prime Minister will come.
Oh.....i'm so touched.

On Monday, i'll be reporting to the new office. Looking forward for a brighter prospect.
To all KRONI @ MT in SCAN, remember me always, forget me never.
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers