
Antenatal Class

Yesterday, me and my wife went for antenatal class at Concorde Hotel Shah Alam. This class was organized by Darul Ehsan Medical Centre (DEMC) together with ANMUM.
For a fees of RM90 per couple, i think it is really worth it since that price includes the breakfast, 2 tea break, lunch and some gift from ANMUM.
This class starts around 8.30am and finish around 5.00pm. Among the topic covered are normal and abnormal pregnancy, child care, breastfeeding, exercise and nutritions. Its really a good class for a first timer to be a father and mother. Many useful information we can get from there and breastfeeding is the one that i think really helps me and wife.
At the end of the class, they conduct a contest for every couples. It's called the perfect couple. And guess what, me and wife got the first prize for it and the prize is a pair of mickey and minnie mouse doll. Hahahahahah.....never mind.......we can keep it for my future newborn baby.
To those who will be a new father and mother, i suggest you guys go for this class. Akram, if you read this....you better go.

Finally, this friday i plan to bring my wife for a detail 3D scan. From this scan i can confirm the sex of my newborn baby. Chow

Cyber Law Workshop

Last friday 18 Jan, i was sent by EON to attend a workshop on Cyber Law.
The workshop was conducted by EC-Council.
The workshop is valued around RM1200 but i got i for free as complimentary.

At the same day, i was supposed to attend a meeting at Bank Negara but with short notice i was informed to go to the workshop.
Overall, the workshop more on reading since the speaker need to cover a lot of ACT such as Computer Crime Act, Digital Signature Act etc.

Since that i've already attend one workshop, the other conference on IT security which I was suppose to attend tomorrow (22/1/2008) at Mandarin Oriental Hotel has to be canceled. Too Bad. The title of the conference is : IS YOUR COMPANY READY FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF CYBER CRIMES. This conference was organized by gnsec.
Looks much interesting right? See the schedule below:

My Car

Well, this is my new car. Sorry not to put the real picture since that I haven't snap any of it and the internet here is quite slow. Silver in colour with automatic transmission and WQV9496 as the registration number.
I've put up the spoiler yesterday. I was thinking of putting the TRD one but in the end I choose to have the MYVI SE type spoiler. This spoiler itself cost about RM250 including the painting.
I've asked about the TRD bodykit and cost about RM1000 for whole front and rear bumper plus the side skirting together with the paint. Not so important as my newborn baby will be the main priority.
So far, for the car i've spend a total of almost RM1000 for the tinted, spoiler, air freshner, etc.
Quite a lot of money and yet I haven't received the difference from selling my previous car.
Now only 11 January 2008. Still have another 14 days before my payday. Haiyoooooo....


1 Achieved 2 to Go

Well, i have achieved one of my new year resolution which is to get a new car.
What car is it?
Looks like we have to wait and see.
I've just finished up with the tinted last saturday. Now i'm waiting for the new spoiler to arrive.
Then only i will disclose what car is it. For the bodykit, we'll see about it.
i'm quite lucky that when i sold my previous car (Kelisa SE), i got about RM20k for the car, while my full settlement is just RM18,400. So i got about RM1600 extra to spend on my new car.
Now, i'm driving an automatic car, no more manual since driving manual in KL is quite crazy.
As for now, my speed limit always around 70km/h until i reach the first 1000 km.
In malay, people call it "dalam pantang".hahahahah
Stay tuned for more updates.


Selamat pengantin baru kepada bekas rakan rekerja, Zalizan yg telah selamat diijabkabul dgn yati (ex kumpulan feminin). Semoga berbahagia dan kekal ke anak cucu.

Harian Metro

New Year 2008

Happy New Year 2008.....Goodbye 2007.

This year resolution:

1) Lose some weight. hehehhehe
2) New Car - maybe
3) Save extra money for my newborn baby

Last year resolution achievement:

1) Lose some weight - manage to lose 2kg
2) Look for a better job and better salary - accomplished
3) Get Married - accomplished
4) Settle my credit card debt - little bit to go ~RM200

As a summary, i think i have achieved most of last year target. we'll see the achievement for this year later.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers