Wah. It’s been so long since my last update (16th Oct). It was really a tight and packed month.
On the 22 -24th October 2008, I’m attending a course name as Kursus Pencetus Perkasa Diri (KPPD).
It was organized by the Bank and compulsory for all newly (huh….am I still new after almost 5 months here?) recruited staff. It was held at Agrotek Garden Chalet Resort. Guess, where is the location of the resort? Actually it was just nearby - in Hulu Langat. Overall this course or I should say camp was great. I love the venue and not to miss the meals. We were served with 6 meals daily. And the best part is it’s FREE.
me and my team during the course

Since that I was not around since Wednesday till Friday and the next Monday is a holiday, I missed out some email sent from my colleagues. To Nurman and Musa, sorry for didn’t attend your open house. Perhaps maybe you guys can organize another open house dedicated for me. Hahahaha.
Yesterday, my father in law again admitted to the hospital. It was a recurrence of last sickness. The doctor has confirmed that my father in law got a stomach cancer. I was shocked with that news. He will go under the knife on 11 November 2008. Those who read my blog, please pray for his health.
Last but not least, this morning I woke up around 4.00am to watch football match between Manchester United and West Ham (MU won by 2-0). As I turned on the TV and ASTRO, it doesn’t show any picture. At first, I thought I’m the only one facing that problem. Luckily my other colleague Nik Apis (a same diehard fan of MU) informed that he’s facing the problem. I tried to call ASTRO customer service, unfortunately the customer service only operates from 8.00am onwards. Since that they’re providing 24 hours TV, by right they should have 24 hours customer service as well. Quote from Nik Apis “no wonder Ananda Krishnan are damn rich”. Luckily the problem solved 20 minutes later. But I missed the first goal. Arghhhhhh