
Two weeks ago

It's a bit late actually. I was too busy to update the blog and this is the only chance i have since i arrived at the office early today at around 7.45 a.m. Still have about one hour before start working.

Two weeks we got our new baby (not the real baby). It was a tough decision actually to let go my wife litte kancil. However, as per advised from my mother, we have to let it go since it's already close to 10 years and my wife needs to go outstation quite frequent lately.
I managed to sold the car for RM6500.00 and after full settlement of the remaining loan, we only left with RM300. Hahahahah.

Once we let go the car, it took us about 2 weeks to decide which car should we buy. At first i was thinking of VIOS, unfortunately due to financial constraint that car definitely not an option. Then, i did consider a second hand car. But it was not really advised by my father unless you know whose the owner.

So after we finally decide, that option still hard to get. I have to wait for 3 months since it's a special edition. So, in the end we end up with the normal one. I was hoping to get the same registration number like my Myvi 9496 but i only managed to get 9444.

New Bike

When I received the bonus last time, I planned to buy a new motorbike. Unfortunately, there are some other urgent things that I need to settle up first.

Even though the desire still there, but financially not really suitable for now. I need to clear up some of my debts first before thinking of new debts.

Buying a motorbike could cost me about RM2k just for the down payment. Since then, I switch my target to get at a bicycle. Hehehe. And won’t cost that much. Maybe around RM300. However, till now I still didn’t buy the bicycle. Hope to get one before the fasting month, so that it will be easier for me to go to the nearby surau.

Something surprisingly happens last Saturday. While window shopping around Carrefour Wangsa Maju, I noticed an exercise bike with a very reasonable price. Plus, it also available under Zero interest easy payment scheme. Without any hesitation I bought the exercise bike and here’s how it looks like:

However, since I bought the bike, it was not an easy task to use it. Reason being, my two and a half year old daughter always wants to play with. I can only use it while she was asleep. Here’s a look of my daughter playing with it, though she can’t really reach the pedal.

Last but not least, a quote from Biggest loser. Guys, by the time you see me next time, I’ll be fitter, slimmer and thinner. Hahahahaha. I’m not joking since this is one of this year resolution of mine. Peace

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers