
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Well, I guess it's not really too late for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf zahir dan batin.As usual....during this festive seasons....definitely there will be lot of open house, cookies, hampers etc. However, as per my previous posting on Biggest Loser ....I have to be cautious of my daily intake. Surely sometimes we can't resist the temptation. Hahahhaha

Just wanna share something.....i didn't disclose it in my previous posting.
When i first joined the weight was about 80kg. Trust me...that was the heaviest ever weight that I've ever reached in my whole life.

I did mentioned...I've been actively control my calories and involve in lot of exercises and managed to lose 3kg. Three months have passed since my's my BMI calculation

First one - 80kg 170cm

Clearly states....overweight. With BMI=27.7. Only 2.2 to reach the obesity level.

After 2 months....reduce by 3kg. 77kg 170cm.

One week before hari raya my weight already 74kg 170cm.
Still....slightly overweight. Just over the line by 0.6. BMI=25.6

So my next achieve the normal BMI. In order to achieve that i need to lose another 2kg at least. Hope that I can succeed. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Insyaallah, yang penting exercise

dear anies said...

amboi serba pink!

wanrulez said...

yesza...betul tu nurman

saufi said...

futsal .. futsal .. futsal ..

wanrulez said...

saufi...futsal aku every week main...dgn bdk opis

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