

This post is related back to my last post.

Remember that I did mentioned that so far the company didn't get back to me.
Surprisingly, last Thursday I did received a call from them.
They did improve on the terms and perks based on my concern before.
In fact they offer me a higher position than the previous offer. But the minimum expected base salary still short of my request.
I have to admit, it is the toughest decision to made.

After some discussions with my wife, my parents and some solat istikharah, I have decided to turned down the offer. Perhaps, I was not destined to join them.


As the title say, it was an opportunity I think.

It all started end of 2011, I went for the Hackers Halted conference (which I got it for FREE thanks to EC Council Academy). I did met one of my ex colleague in SCAN Associates. He did mentioned that his company was looking for someone and he asked me to submit mine.

I just submitted it and the next day they call for an interview.
To make it short......I got the job. Seriously it really surprised me. Not that I don't have the confidence it just that from the story that I heard the "boss" have been interviewed few other candidates but none was selected. From there I conclude that surely it is a tough position to be filled in.

I have to admit, for learning and improve my skills it's definitely a good place to go. However, the offer and the perks offered slightly below my expectations. After some deep thinking I have to reject the offer but they are willing to negotiate and surprising, the boss itself give me a call try to persuade me. They were hoping to come out with a good package for me but until now, I haven't heard any news from them. Perhaps they can't meet my expectation or even come close to it. Maybe I was not destined to join them. By the way, thanks to my ex colleague for the opportunity.

New Year 2012

Its only 5th day of the new year. So i guess it wasn't too late for me to wish Happy New Year 2012 to everyone.

Well....as usual every year, definitely we will come up with some resolution. And whether we achieved it or not is another thing.

So a quick recap from my last year resolution.

1) Lose weight – Achieved. I did managed to lose some weight. You can refer it here

2) Save extra money – I will contribute extra to my ASB and tabung haji. I guess I need to focus on gold investment right now - Achieved. Extra contribution in ASB and bought some gold

3) Performing Solat eary. Not delaying it - This one I think sometimes a failed

4) Travel – at least one oversea trip - Achieved. Went to Hong Kong and Singapore

5) Buy a motorbike – my new workplace located in the golden triangle area. Public transport is quite far. I’ll try first driving there - Achieved. Buy Modenas GT128. One year left to settle the loan

6) New family members perhaps. since Adriana nearly 3 years old - Achieved - New baby Wan Alya Irdhina.

7) Debt free especially on credit card - Failed. Quite hard since there are times when credit card always to the rescue.

As for this year. Nothing much actually. Most of it almost the same like last year. So this year I plan not to mentioned on it again

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