
U Turn

When you're driving and assuming it was the right way.
All of sudden you realized it was not the right way or perhaps you missed a junction.
Then a U turn would be the best possible way.
Hehehehe...I'm not writing about road signage or how to get to a certain direction.

Remember on my last post, I did mentioned that I got an offer and after deep considerations I have turned down the offer. In case you forgot:

Hi Jefferey,

After further discussions with my wife, I have decided not to accept the offer.
I admit that the offer is quite tempting, but looking at the current perks and benefits that I enjoyed in my current company, I don't think it's worth a gamble.
Again, thank you for the opportunity. 

 On the same day I sent the email, I received a reply from them. But I don't think I can put it here. But part of the email looks like this:

At this current moment, our perks and benefits might not be as competitive as your current company so maybe we can compensate by offering you a bigger amount of salary for now.

I urge you to kindly re-consider as the management, has mentioned strongly on how much they would want to see you on board with us on this journey.

 The first offer was about 35% increase from my current salary. The next offer they tabled was close to 50%. It's definitely an offer that hard for me to resist. Considering the work location just nearby my house, I guess it's a good opportunity. It will take me more than 5 years to get that sort of pay.

In the end, I have accepted the offer and tender my resignation. I have to admit leaving KWAP definitely a tough decision. I feel the same when I left SCAN last time. But I have no choice. Perhaps this might be the one and only opportunity I had. Unless KWAP can improve my current package if not counter offer it. I don't know.....but I think it's almost impossible. Officially, my last day will be 20th July 2012 and I have agreed to start on 24th July 2012.


Last Friday was the competition day for the poem recitation contest.I can say that I have memorize everything at the first place.

I was told that I would be the last contestant, however it changed last minute.
As a result, I forgot some sentence due to panic. Hahahaha.
I shouldn't be blame for that right.

In the end, I just managed to get a consolation prize.
Here's the prize that I won. Not bad huh?

As the topic of my post - result, there's something I would like to share.
Two weeks ago I got a call from recruitment company. They got an opportunity in of the Telcos in Malaysia.
No harm, I simply went for the informal meet up with the Director of IT (an american guy).
Frankly, it wasn't so hard as all the questions asked are related to my current job.

Surprisingly, the same day I got a call from the recruitment company saying that I've been shortlisted and the section head would like to meet up. I can't afford to take any more leave and they agreed with just phone interview. We had a chit chat and he briefly explain all the jobscope.

The next day, the recruitment company came back with the offer. And to surprise me, they offer me 35% increase from my current salary. The work location will be just 10 minutes away from my house. Until now, I haven't come out with any decision or result for the offer. So what's your thought?

Update 4/5/2012

An email received yesterday
Hi Wan,

I hope that it will be a favourable response on your side as we are really looking forward to having you here.
I will be awaiting your response tomorrow.

My response today
Hi Jefferey,

After further discussions with my wife, I have decided not to accept the offer.
I admit that the offer is quite tempting, but looking at the current perks and benefits that I enjoyed in my current company, I don't think it's worth a gamble.
Again, thank you for the opportunity.
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