
We are in the final

Glory Glory Man United.

That's what I can say to my favorite team Manchester United for qualifying to the final of European Champions League. A superb strike from Paul Scholes outside the penalty area went straight at the top corner of Barcelona goal post. This has been the most awaited moments for all the fans all around the world since the last time United qualify for the final was back in 1999 in which they won the magnificent treble.Next, United will meet either Liverpool or Chelsea in Moscow for the final next month. I hope it would be Liverpool since that Liverpool records against United is really bad. Under the managerial of Rafa Benitez, Liverpool has never beat United in all competitions. Hahahaha.

Back to this morning story. I woke up around 2.40am this morning. Luckily the game hasn't started yet.I take a look at my daughter and she's also awake at that time. So, I just bring her to the hall and watch the game together. Hehehehe. Hopefully, when she grow up, she can accompany me for any Manchester United match.


Another Shocking News

Again, today HR release a new memo.
Well, it somehow might affecting me since last time, for unconfirmed staff we just need to give 24 hours notice. So far for today, still no good news for me.


Today, I just received a letter from HR. The title of the letter is New Grading Scheme.
Before that, I heard some of my friends who joined the bank same date like me got some increment on their basic salary. In fact, my friend received almost RM600 increment.

Unfortunately, when I received my letter, it doesn't states any increment at all. It just mentioned about my new grade. I was informed that my current salary is already exceeding the baseline for an executive. Oh.....too bad. Hmm...looks like next year only I will received my increment, but that depends on my appraisal.

Good News......maybe?

This morning, everybody in the bank were talking about a new salary and grading structure. I'm quite blurr at first. Then I open up the intranet and saw a memo from HR.

Even though it is a good news, but I'm not sure whether I'm entitled or not since I haven't confirmed yet. According to the memo, they will pay the arrears starting Jan 2008 until April 2008. But before that, they will send a letter to every person whose entitled for it by this month.

Well, I just have to wait and see for the outcome.

By the way, they will only pay all the arrears next month. Maybe by that time, I'm no longer here.Hahahahah. I haven't received any new offer yet. But I'm keeping my finger crossed and praying for my luck. Somehow, I think I can see some light in a dark tunnel. I'll update on it later since this this just my rough thinking..


Saturday 19/4/2008

Last Saturday, I bring my baby for her Hepatitis injection.

I'm so happy when being told by the doctor the weight of my baby right now is 3.2 kg.
One month ago when we went for BCG, her weight is just 2.3 kg. Meaning my baby already gained almost 1 kg of weight. No wonder my wife felt tired carrying her when while breastfeed.

Last Saturday as well, my uncle Ami Rahman came to our house to see our baby. It's almost 2 month but yet he hasn't seen her. I cooked nasi lemak and ayam goreng berempah while my wife prepared the sambal. He went back at around 4pm.

Then, me and wife went to look for a new wardrobe since our existing one could not cope anymore with the capacity. We spent about RM500 for the wardrobe. Then, I dropped by at a lighting shop. And I bought some lights and a remote fan. It cost about RM300. Fuhhh.....In one day we spent about RM800. We also planned to buy one electric thermos pot. Unfortunately, by that time the one that we are interested in is out of stock. Maybe I'll go to another shopping center tomorrow. It will cost us about RM260. Tonight maybe the electrician will come to put on our new lights and fan. Another charge for it. Hahahaha....altogether we're spending more than RM1000 in just a few days. It's not that we're having some bonus or increment, maybe that's some extra rezeki we have. Alhamdulillah.


First Anniversary

Today, 7 April 2008 is my first wedding anniversary. Today as well, my wife has completed 44 days of her “pantang”. This first anniversary is really special for me and wife since we'll be celebrating it with 3 person. Me, my wife and our lovely daughter. Supposed, today will be the day our daughter is expected to arrived into our life but she came out a bit earlier. Thank god for giving me a healthy and cute baby for us to celebrate this moment together. I plan to have some romantic dinner tonight.

For my wife, thank you so much for all that you have done to me throughout this one year. I really appreciate it. I couldn't ask for a better gift than our lovely daughter Wan Nur Adriana.



This Saturday I'll be joining a futsal tournament organized by IIUM Alumni.
This is not the first time I've joined this tournament since last year me and my team already joined it.
Last year we name our team as Lauk United so that people think they can defeat us easily. In the end, we managed to take the 2nd runner up from 16 teams. Not bad huh. Besides that, our team also won the Fair Play Award. We received a pair of LINE7 jersey together with medal and not to forget the trophy for the Fair Play Award.

This year, its quite different. Last year there is no entrance fee. Meaning that it is totally sponsored by the ALUMNI. But this year we have to pay RM150 per team. Never mind. We still maintain the name of Lauk United and there are some changes in our line up. Our keepers has been changed since my friend John @ Johan still in Australia. Hope that if we can't maintain the 2nd runner up, at least to maintain the Fair Play Award. Thats our target for this year tournament. But who knows, maybe we can perform much better or worst since most of our team members are married and and some also have children. The issue of “pancit” might arise.

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers