Talking about the new babysitter, it’s not my first choice option actually. But it is the only option I have. So by hook or by crook looks like I have to send Adriana to her starting from this Monday. Something weird that I need to pay upfront the fees or I can say the charges on the first day. Normally we pay at the end of each month right? Not to mention that she also charge a bit high compare to the existing one. Meaning, this month would be a bit headache since I need to pay for two babysitter fees. Arghhhhhhhh…I really need to plan my budget properly. To make things worse, my road tax will expire in early January plus some other occasions throughout this December which I’ll tell you guys later. Hehehehe…
I still have another two days to find another option. Heheheh. I always keep my finger cross hoping that another babysitter appears. This morning as well, Makcik Nab promised to look around her house for any possibilities. So to anyone who reads my blog, do let me know if you guys know any babysitter preferably around Tmn Melati, Gombak or anywhere nearby.
p/s: today I see an advertisement in Jobstreet from my previous employer....the position that I left before. Anyone want to try?