
Happy Birthday Adriana

Yesterday was Adriana first birthday and we didn't realize how fast time passing by.
We bought her some new clothes and a cute teddy bear as her birthday present.
A quick flashback.
This was a picture of Adriana inside the womb.

The story of her birth can be referred here. Praise to God for this gift.
This picture was taken on the day she was born
Her latest picture

Yesterday as well, my father underwent a hernia operation. Actually he's having the problem with the hernia for the past 10 years. Now only he went for the surgery. I was on compassionate leave since yesterday. Hope he will recover quickly. I pray for your health. AMIN


It’s a really busy week for me. Since last week actually I’ve been working on negotiation process.

Well, it’s about the project that I’m handling right now. I managed to negotiate from almost 360k to only 200k++. Still below 250K. But the management still insists on having it below 200K. It’s a damn hell crazy. To have the maximum capabilities or features with the lowest ever price.

I’m feeling so shy since almost every day I keep on begging for more discount.

They are having the management committee meeting now, but still I keep on receiving calls from them to further negotiate the price. Arghhhhh….. As for today, I managed to reduce another 8K but still won’t satisfy them.

Next month, I’ll be without a boss. My superior has tendered his resignation earlier. I wonder how the situation will be for my upcoming projects.



It’s been a while since my last post. I’m too busy with my routine as well as following the political scenario in Perak (my hometown). Actually I do hope that there will be a new election for the whole DUN. Unfortunately, it does not happen. Why do I really want to have the election?

Well, during last time general election (PRU12), I didn’t have the opportunity to cast my vote. My baby was born a day before the candidate nomination. Here is the detail of my voting area.

Ok. Enough with all the political issues. After all, who am I to comment anything about the current political scenario? So, just let it be what it wants to be.

Last weekend, was quite a long holiday. On Sunday, the traffic was quite bad around my housing area since I’m leaving not far from the Batu Caves temple. We bring Adriana for some swimming activity in the evening. Before that, we drop by at JUSCO Setiawangsa and bought her new swimming suit. At first I was thinking of buying some shirts for myself since it was J Card Privileges Day but nothing suits my interest. And in the end, Adriana got her swimming suits plus some other new clothes. The parents end up with just some window shopping. I forgot to bring my camera and to make thing worst, my hand phone also running out of battery. So there’s no picture of her with that swimming suit. Next time, maybe.

P/s: Adriana already have two tiny teeth. Always like to take people hands for her to bite. Hope no one got injured at the nursery. Hahahaha
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers