Adriana First Movie Outing

Last Tuesday, it was a public holiday - Awal Muharram.

It was a last minute plan actually. Adriana was sleeping from 2.00 pm till 4.30 pm. Then I told my wife, why not we go for a movie.
Since we have never brought Adriana for any movies before.

We quickly went to MBO Galaxy Ampang. I loved to watch movie here since i can be guaranteed of the available tickets. If i went to other bigger cinema the chances might be 50 -50.
As i mentioned, we managed to get the tickets for show at 6.30 pm. By calculating the time of the movie it should be finish by 8.00 pm. Meaning i still have injury time for my maghrib prayer.
Forgot to mentioned, the movie was Rapunzel and it was a really entertaining and enjoy movie.

And guess what, Adriana manage to concentrate on the movie until the last 15 minutes. Here's a picture of her


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