
Fire Drill

This morning, around 10.30 am the fire alarm started.
Everyone seems to be calm.
Then they made announcement to evacuate the building and assemble in front of the Grand Continental Hotel next to Menara EON.
Overall we took about 23 minutes to clear out the building.
Looks like ok right? But we are suppose to clear the whole building within 17 minutes.
So as a result we can consider the exercise failed.

By the way, this is my first experience with this exercise. Last time at SCAN Dilla was the fire warden for our floor. But I didn't have the chance and opportunity to see how will she do if they conduct the fire drill exercise. funny to think of it.


New Update

Its been sometimes since I last update my blog.
Last time I did mentioned that one of my best friend in SCAN is leaving the company.
Its no longer rumors as the person already leave.
To Najib, I wish you good luck in your new career.
Luckily I manages to see you on your last day at SCAN.

At this moment my baby is already 6 months old inside the womb.
Every day I can feel the baby kicking from inside my wife tummy.
The funniest thing is that it kicks really hard especially when my wife watch “Sehati Berdansa Show” on ASTRO RIA. Heheheheh.....maybe someday, he/she will be born as a dancer.

Back to my career. Last saturday in The Star newspaper there are advertisement on job opening for EON Bank. Of the position offered is Security Analyst. Same position as what i'm doing right now.

Maybe the new guy who join will sit next to my table. To anyone who would like to apply can send their resume to

Lastly, I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all Muslim.


Everyone Leaving.....

It has been 1 month and 1 week since I left SCAN.

Since then, many of my colleague have also left the company.

First one was Bob....this week will be my ex boss and the latest one that I heard is one of my best friends in SCAN.

Who is he? Well.....only time will know.....whether it is a rumors or fact.

However, I wish you luck my friend. A family man always need to think of their family first (salary) not the environment. Eventhough you can't never find the same environment like SCAN but trust me, i'm sure you can slowly adapt to it. Hehehhehehe. Like myself.


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to Sayang
Happy Birthday to you.

Today 3rd December 2007 is my wife 26 birthday.
Since yesterday is Sunday, we decided to celebrate it a day earlier. hehheheheh.
I bought her a cake and a handbag as a present. Not to forget a big hug and kiss.
I'll put up the picture later since i didn't bring my digital camera today and today also got a lot of testing need to be conducted here at EON Bank.

Last but not least, again Happy Birthday to my dear Farrah Nor.

Saturday 24/11/07

Last Saturday, I bring my wife for her monthly check up.
My wife is currently five months on her pregnancy. Only 4 months to go.

This time, for the first time ever, when I touched her stomach I can feel the movement.
Like the baby is punching from inside.
Hahahhaha....i really feel excited.

The doctor did mentioned about the sex of the baby but she can't really confirm it.
Hope that she's correct about it.

I'm planning to start buying some baby product this month.
At the same time, I still thinking what should I buy for my wife 26th birthday this 3rd Dec 2007.
Right now nothing pop up yet from my mind. Maybe because I haven't receive my salary yet.
Hahahahaha....4 days to go for my new salary.



It has been 2 weeks since i join EON.
A quick recap.....just before i join EON, i also got another offer from one of the financial institution.
I think i don't have to reveal it.
Eventhough the offer is RM100 extra, but after taking some time, I've decided to reject the offer.
Considering the location, RM100 doesn't make any much different.

I still remember on the last day of my employment.
Someone try to prevent me from leaving the company.
Its not that I'm not gratitude, just that i think it has happen before.
And the decision can easily change from one day to another day.
i guess my colleagues know about this issue.
Anyway thanks a lot to Hj Ramlan (I'm sure he's not reading this) for all his effort.

By the way, i have another 2 weeks to go before i receive my new salary.
ahhahahha......not to forget SCAN still owing me my 2 last day salary.
thanks to everyone who reads my blog.

Nice One


New Environment

Well, it has been 7 days in the new office.So far everything seems OK.
I was assigned under the Security Administration, Group IT.
Number of staff in the department just 5 including me.
I've been monitoring the honeynet, Snort, firewall and generating reports.

Last week, I met my colleague from my previous company (SCAN) – sufyan, liaw, RJ45 and Ansar.They are the team for the e-PKI.
The good thing is, i've been assigned to monitor them. Hahahah.Good one (can torture them).

The environment here, of course can't be compared to my previous company.
Miss my friends very much.


Last Working Days in SCAN

Well, tomorrow is my last day working in SCAN Associates after spending almost 2.5 years here.
Coincidently, tomorrow as well is the company open house.
Looks like a big farewell party for me.
Even the Deputy Prime Minister will come.
Oh.....i'm so touched.

On Monday, i'll be reporting to the new office. Looking forward for a brighter prospect.
To all KRONI @ MT in SCAN, remember me always, forget me never.

Blood Donation

Yesterday, SCAN conducting a blood donation campaign.
Same as last year and previous year, i was one of the donor.

As a token of appreciation we receive a torchlight which also contains some toolbox sets.
not to forget the Mcdonalds.

Aidilfitri 1428 Hijrah

This year, for the first time i'm celebrating Aildilfitri as a husband together with my lovely wife.
Next year, insyaallah there will be three of us.
We have decided to celebrate it first at my wife hometown in Teluk Panglima Garang.
We went back there on Friday, the day before Hari Raya.
After zuhur prayer then only we went back to my hometown in Ipoh.
We stayed there from saturday till tuesday coz i need to get back to work on wednesday.

Me & my wife

Me, my wife and her family. Missing - Along, Agah & Dihir. Only Ateh and her husband available.


Festive Incentive

Today, SCAN give 0.5 months salary as a festive incentive.
Unfortunately, i did not received it since i already tender my resignation last week.
Too bad....hmm....maybe it is not my rezeki.
Hope for a better prospect at my new company.

Selamat Hari Raya


Toughest Decision

3rd October 2007 - i've made the toughest decision ever in my life.
I've sent the resignation letter by giving one month notice to the Head of Corporate Services of the company. I almost felt on tears when submitting it. OH GOD....

For almost 2.5 years working here, I have met and worked with many special people whose talent, passion, energy, dedication and sincerity in making SCAN a success company, I really admire it.

Before I leave, I would like to take the opportunity to seek forgiveness from each and every one in SCAN, if at any instances, direct or indirectly, intentional or unintentionally, I have offended you guys or hurt your feelings in any ways. As usual, please halal all the foods & drinks which at any instances were offered or some what offered to me. Last but not least if anyone of you guys getting married please send your card and Insyaallah I’ll try to attend it.

Thank you guys.....and the memory remains.....




This morning i received my annual increment.
To make it much better, i got it backdated starting from April.
Syukur....Thank God for the Rezeki this Ramadhan and the coming Eid Fitri.

Just as i received my increment, I've to make one of the toughest decision in my life.
what is it about?

Stay tuned for more updates later..

Another funny thing

This morning as well, i open up utusan online.
I thought that i was dreaming since it shows that today 12 Sept = 1 Ramadhan.
It was supposed to be 1 ramadhan tomorrow. Not today.
Haiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....confusing maaa

FAM site H4ck3ed

This morning, i open the FAM site and guess what.....the site have been touched by someone.
See the image below. It states that the top scorer is Khairy Jamaluddin with 99 goals.

I think it was done by someone anti KJ. hahahaha

Kids Shoes for Sale

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


please contact me or view THIS SITE

Terengganu : 30 Aug - 2 Sept 2007

Taking airasia ticket promotion, me and my wife went to Terengganu during the Merdeka celebration.
For a total cost of RM191.20 for a two return ticket for both of us....its worth it.
Our flight was supposed to be at 8.05pm and arrive around 8.55pm. However, as we've known Airasia, keep us waiting until 9.15pm to depart. One hour plus delay. Its terrible.
We arrived in KT airport around 10.05pm.
We checked in at Seri Malaysia Kuala Terengganu. The room is not too bad for RM130 per nite except it does not have any fridge.
Early in the morning next day, after having our breakfast we went to Pulau Kapas for a day trip since all the resorts and chalet are fully booked. It cost about RM55 per person, comprises of boat transfer and snorkeling equipment.
My wife......viewing the sea

Me with my snorkeling suit

Me and my wife

On the next day, we spent most of our time at Pasar kampung Payang for shopping.
We bought some t-shirt, keropok lekor, batik etc.....everything total up to almost RM800. Fuhhhhhh....
On Sunday we went back to KL taking flight at 8.20am. We went there with only one bag but when we return back we bring along three maniac

More Pictures

Hack in the box 2007

Venue: Hilton, KL Sentral

Date: 3rd September
Time: 0900 - 1800
Item: 7-tracks Hands-On Technical Training (Day 1)

Date: 4th September
Time: 0900 - 1800
Item: 7-tracks Hands-On Technical Training (Day 2)

Date: 5th September
Time: 0800 - 1800

Dual Track Security Conference
Capture The Flag (CTF)
HITB Cinema
Zone-H/HITB Hacking Challenge
Lock Picking Village
BZFlag Competition

Date: 6th September
Time: 0800 - 1800

Dual Track Security Conference
Capture The Flag (CTF)
HITB Cinema
Zone-H/HITB Hacking Challenge
Lock Picking Village
BZFlag Competition

Eye On Malaysia

Last Saturday 18 August 2007, me and wife went to the Eye On Malaysia.
Since that i've already received my bonus and after promising my wife to bring her here it is.
The ticket Rm30 for 2 adult...quite expensive for a 12 minute ride
Me and my wife inside the big wheel

Last pose....before going back home

Open Solaris

Get the OpenSolaris Starter Kit!

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This kit will help you learn about the OpenSolaris source code and the community. On the DVDs, you'll find:

  • Solaris Express — Preview future features of Sun's Solaris Operating System. Also inside: ZFS, DTrace, Containers, and hundreds of other unique features.
  • Live CDs — These bootable images allow you to check out community-built distributions of OpenSolaris, each with unique features:

    - Nexenta OS
    - BeleniX
    - SchilliX
  • Sun Studio compilers — Get advanced features for developing applications on Sun Solaris platforms.
  • OpenSolaris source code.
  • System Requirements — x86/x64 based system.

There are no shipping and handling fees associated with ordering the OpenSolaris Starter Kit, so request one today!



Anugerah Ilahi

Pagi ni aku hantar wife aku untuk dia pegi team building di Mutiara Taman Negara.
Mlm td......tiba2 terdetik hati aku nk buat pregnancy test untuk wife aku.
Yerla kan....nk pegi team building....manalah tau ada isi....takleh le lasak sgt.
Lps buat jer test...kuar result positif.
Time lebih kurang kul 10 mlm......tak puas hati terus aku bwk wife pegi Klinik Kita kat Wangsa Maju.
Buat second test....alhamdulillah....confirm pregnant 5 minggu 2 hari.
Ikut perkiraan doktor smlm....due dlm 9/4.
Time tu 2 hari lps 1st wedding anniversary aku.
Syukur alhamdulillah.........Thanks Farrah...I love you.

31 August 2007

31 August 2007 will be the 50th anniversary of malaysia celebrating the independence day.
This year is also the Visit Malaysia 2007 year.
Relating to that, i'm always supporting my country by visiting places in Malaysia.
I'll be going to Terengganu for a holiday this independence day.
hehehhehe.....i'll update later on my trip.

I'll depart on 30 August and will return back on the 2 September 2007.
See you later..........chow


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Prepaid4U.Net Your Mobile Lifestyle

Perodua Viva

Just came back from my hometown in Ipoh yesterday.
Guess what?
i bring together the new Perodua Viva.
This car belongs to my mother actually with the registration number AGB XXXX.
With green in colour....driving a new car is a terrific and fantastic experience.
I will use this car for one month before returning back next month.hehehheheh.

My 26th Birthday

17 June 2007 is my 26th birthday.
This year it was different from previous years.
This year....I'm celebrating it with my lovely wife and i got a lovely present - a pair of Dr Cardin shoes.
I still remember the same date last year 17 June 2006, it was the day I engaged with my current wife. I haven't realized how fast time is running passing me.

Once again....thanks dear for the cake and the present.

My Wedding Part 1

For More Pictures, please click here

Tarikh: 7 & 8 April 2007
Tempat: Teluk Panglima Garang, Selangor


Walimatul Urus (Perempuan)




Futsal - Friendly with media (The Star)

Hari tu...kitorang ada buat futsal friendly dgn media.

tarikh: 10/2/2007
venue: Sport Barn, PJ
time: 10.00am - 12.00pm

Ini gmbr sblm start game. Bancuh air dulu
Kitorang pasukan SCAN bergaya dengan jersi yg baru dibeli sehari sblm match tu.
hahahaha. So jersi company, kitorang rasmikan dulu.
Sblm start match kitorang diberitahu main untuk kalah...dan keputusannya kitorang kalah tipis.
Bagi can......hehehheh. Match dia campur laki pompuan. Tapi kena ada at least 2 perempuan dalam satu masa. Team kitorang...pompuan mmg cukup xde perempuan reserve.
Aku tgh brief psl futsal rules...cewahhhh

Barisan x complete...psl ada yg lambat

Gmbr selepas match...complete player...termasuk CEO company

Raya Barbeque

Buat pertama kalinya....keluarga aku buat barbeque sempena raya korban baru ni.
Maybe psl dpt bnyk daging korban kot.

antara menu yg kitorang buat....satay, kebab, sosej dan daging burger.

Training on Basic Pen Test

Last week....seminggu aku kat JB. Nasib tmpt tu x banjir.Aku conduct training on Basic Penetration Test @ Basic Hacking le....senang citer untuk SUK johor.
Sepanjang seminggu (25/12 - 29/12) aku kat sana, aku stay kat The Putri Pacific. Ada le aku amik gambar sket bilik aku.hehehhehe.

Overall, aku rasa audience sana pun ok jer. Ada le photo session last day tu.
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers