
I'm Late

Today is the first time I'm late since joining EON Bank.
I arrived 5 minutes late which is 8.50 am.
Well, it wasn't too bad but it somehow affect my boss impression....I think.

Actually, yesterday I didn't got enough sleep. Forgot to mentioned that yesterday my baby and my wife already come back to our house. Usually I can only see my baby during weekend but now I can see her everyday.

Back to the reason on my lateness, this morning my baby woke up every one and a half hour. Even though I'm not the one giving her milk but still I'm awake from her loud voice crying. I also need to change the diaper at around 4 am this morning. Now I know how tired my wife is since I'm only facing this situation during weekend before.

The last time my baby woke up around 5.30 am. I have set my phone alarm at 6.30 am however I only woke up from my bed at around 7.30 am. I quickly take my bath and drive my car heading towards Terminal Putra LRT station. To make things worst, the train only arrived at 8.10am. From that moment I know I'll be late since it took 45 minutes to reach my office from Terminal Putra. I don't even have time for my breakfast today. Hopefully tomorrow I won't be late again. Hahahahah. After all, I'm glad I can help my wife.


Wan Nur Adriana


Totally Confused

It has been almost 5 months since I joined this bank.
Up till now, something still bothering me around.
I was assigned to report to my supervisor.
The problem is, there is always different opinion from my supervisor and my Unit Head.
Every time, I followed the order of my supervisor there will always be a change of mind from my Unit Head. Then, as a result I need to do it all over again. makes me really fed up with all this nonsense. Whose exactly should I listen to?
It seems like they don't communicate well between each other and I'm the one stuck in the middle.

Well, I have another month before my confirmation. I wonder I can still survive with all the conflicts surrounding. Only time will tells.

Back to my ordinary life...

Last Saturday, I'm having a “Cukur Jambul” event for my lovely daughter. I didn't make it too grand just a simple one with some Pulut Kuning. Now my daughter is totally bald. Hahahaha. Insyaallah I'll put some of photos tomorrow.

New Cabinet

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Tuesday a 27-seat Cabinet line-up.

More than half of the ministers are new faces.

The full list:

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak

Ministers in the Prime Minister's Department
Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz
Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim
Datuk Amirsham Abdul Aziz

Deputy Ministers in the Prime Minister's Department
Datuk Johari Baharom
Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim
Datuk K. Devamany
Datuk Hassan Malik

Minister - Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Second Finance Minister - Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
Deputies - Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Datuk Kong Cho Ha

Minister - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Deputy - Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop

Internal Security and Home Affairs
Minister - Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar
Deputies - Datuk Chor Chee Heong, Senator Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh

Housing and Local Government
Minister -Datuk Ong Ka Chuan
Deputies - Datuk Robert Lau , Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin

Works Minister
Minister - Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamad
Deputy- Datuk Yong Khoon Seng

Energy, Water and Communications
Minister - Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Deputy- Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum

Agriculture and Agro-based Industry
Minister - Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
Deputy - Datin Paduka Rohani Abdul Karim

International Trade and Industry
Minister -Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Deputies- Loh Wei Keong, Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan

Foreign Affairs
Minister -Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim
Deputy- Tunku Azlan Abu Bakar

Minister -Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein
Deputies -Datuk Wee Ka Siong, Datuk Razali Ismail

Higher Education
Minister - Datuk Khaled Nordin
Deputies - Khoo Kok Choong, Datuk Idris Harun

Datuk Ong Tee Keat
Deputy - Anifah Aman

Human Resources
Datuk S. Subramaniam
Deputy- Datuk Noraini Ahmad

Women, Family and Community Development
Minister-Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen
Deputy- Noriah Kasnon

National Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage
Minister- Datuk Shafie Apdal
Deputy-Datuk Teng Boon Soon

Science, Technology and Innovation
Minister- Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili
Deputy- Fadilah Yusof

Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Development
Minister - Datuk Noh Omar
Deputy- Datuk Saiffuddin Abdullah

Natural Resources and Environment
Minister - Datuk Douglas Unggah Embas
Deputy - Datuk Abu Ghapur Salleh

Rural and Regional Development
Minister - Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib
Deputy- Tan Sri Joseph Kurup

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
Minister - Datuk Shahrir Samad
Deputy - Jelaing Mersat

Plantation Industries and Commodities
Minister - Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
Deputy- Senator A. Kohilan

Youth and Sports
Minister - Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaacob
Deputy - Wee Jack Seng

Minister - Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
Deputy- Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad

Minister - Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Deputy- Datuk Tan Lian Hoe

Minister - Datuk Azalina Othman
Deputy - Datuk Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abu Taib

Minister - Datuk Zulhasnan Rafique
Deputy- M. Saravanan



This Saturday, i'm planning to have some "Cukur Jambul" for my newborn baby.
Unfortunately, this morning my boss told me that i need to go to Puchong for our Disaster Recovery Center on this Saturday as well. They will move in all the hardware and equipment.
I was assigned since that nobody in our security administration team is around during that day.
Looks like only a little time left for me to play with my baby. One day only. DAMN. And i need to reschedule back my "Cukur Jambul" maybe to Sunday.

Eventhough i'll get a replacement leave, but i still can't take it on Monday since 2 person in my team also on leave on that day. Too bad for me.

This morning as well, my lunch mate just submit his resignation letter. Looks like i'll be having my lunch alone in 3 months time. Hmmm....maybe i should move on as well. Hahahahaha....
To you Anwar, wish you luck for your new job.

My Baby Girl

These are some of the pictures.
But the quality are quite bad since i'm just using my phone with 2.0 megapixel

Special Day......

On the 23rd Feb 2008, as planned i went to the Ampang Putri Hospital for my wife blood test.
There, beside checking the blood my wife need to do some urine test.
After the urine test my wife told me there are some blood comes out together with the urine.
I asked whether she felt any pain....but she felt no pain at all.

We then went back home. That day my wife looks really tired so i'm the one doing all the cooking.
I cooked "Kacang Panjang Masak Lemak Cili Api" and "sardin goreng cili api".Hehehehehe.
Not bad huh.....

Back to the blood issue, the blood keep on comes out in the afternoon and in the evening.
However the amount is just so little.And since that wife feels no pain at all we just ignored it.
Then we gave a call to my wife eldest sister and told everything about that.
She advised us to go to the hospital to check since this is our first baby.
I also give a call to my mother and told her about that. My mother mentioned that the doctor
might give my wife MC for 5 days just to relax.

So, without proper preparation we went to the Ampang Putri Hospital again to do some check up.
I was shocked near to death (hahahaha) when the nurse mentioned that my wife got some contraction
and need to be warded. Since i thought it just a normal warded and related to what being thought by
my mother i just went down to do the registration.
While waiting for my turn, i suddenly received a call that my wife need to go for emergency
caeser since that in between the contraction, the baby heartbeat keeps on dropping. I quickly
rushed to the operation room and then the doctor told me they have do do the operation quickly.
Too bad i can't joined together in the operation room.

About 15 minutes later one of the doctor (Dr Kumari) told me that my wife have safely delivered a
baby girl but the baby need to be put inside the incubator since it is premature and the baby
is just 2kg. I went to the nursery room to do the azan and iqamah but only from the incubator
door. I don't have the opportunity to hold my baby. Ohh....i feel so sad and the tears suddenly
comes out. About 10.50 pm my wife was taken out from the operation room.

So officially, i'm a father right now. We decided to name our daughter WAN NUR ADRIANA.
The date of birth is 23 February 2008 at 10.22pm.
I'll post the picture of my baby later since that i just snapped it using my phone camera.
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers