This two days, my baby Wan Nur Adriana not feeling so well. She's having some fever and flu and this somehow distracting her. On Friday, the auntie where I send my baby told that she didn't slept at all. She keeps on crying. In fact on Friday night, when I took her back she still crying. I rub some oil on her stomach and thank GOD she fall asleep after that. And she only wakes up about 9.00 am the next morning.
So on Saturday we went back to my mother in law house in Teluk Panglima Garang. We also planned to get some water from a Ustaz there. By the time i write this blog my baby still sleeping. Thank God she's ok now except for the flu.

Hehehehe.....on average the weight of my baby increase about 1kg every month. Now, she's already 6kg and to carry her up to my 4th floor house definitely a good exercise.
Next month (August), a lot of wedding ceremony that i need to attend. I'll try to fulfill all the invitation. Insyaallah.
This Friday, another technical staff will join my team in Bank Muamalat. I'll have to switch place since that the new staff will be sitting at my current place. Not a problem for me since that I'm not moving so far. Just one seat away.