
Irdhina Not Feeling Well

It was really a hectic weekend. Not that we went to travel anywhere. It just that my baby was not feeling so well. She was hit by a heavy cough and flu.

It all started on Friday night. When she was asleep....all of sudden she had a cough. At first we thought it as choking while breastfeeding.
The next day, her breathing sounds a bit weird. Still we (both me and wife) did not realize anything yet. So sorry my dear for taking too long to react. I noticed that there's a lot of mucus inside her nose.

First I took the conventional tools or method to suck the mucus out. Unfortunately it does not really work. I'm not sure because the tools is hard to use or I'm the one who don't know how to operate it.
Since the above tools did not give the satisfied end result, I decided to use the more traditional method. And it is using my mouth to suck it direct from my baby nose. And it really works. Just that I have to taste the mucus. But for the sake of her....I'm willing to do anything.

At the same time, my wife remember that her sister did mentioned that she did bought a modern tools that works really well. That Saturday night, I drove around my car from one pharmacy to another looking for the tools. And at last, I found it at Manjaku. It's involved the traditional way (sucking) but this time I don't have to taste it. On Sunday morning, we bring Irdhina to the clinic. And the doctor suggest to get the nebulizer. And the doctor also recommended us to get it 2-3 times a day. On Sunday itself we bring Irdhina for Nebulizer twice....once in the morning and the other one at night. And alhamdulillah she did feels much better.

This morning, I took a time slip to bring her to the clinic again. And the doctor confirmed that her lungs is Ok now. While she recovers, my wife taking an EL to take care of her today. Too bad that I can't take any leave right now since I'm the only one left in my team. Well the team of two. My boss is on leave until next I have no choice to take care the unit.

As for my wife.....I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and sorry for the late birthday present. Heheheheh....I only bought her the gift on Saturday 24/12 eventhough her birthday was on 3rd December. I had to wait for my December salary since last month my tenant give one month notice. Btw...hope you like the gift. Love you my dear.

Adik & Kakak

As the title said "Adik & Akak" refers to both of my daughter. Just a quick update on my life routine and adventure lately.

Starting on Tuesday 29th Nov 2011 officially the end of my wife maternity leave. And it also marks Irdhina two months old. It's also marked the first day of her at babysitter house.
I've been asking around my neighborhood one month before my wife deliver for a babysitter and alhamdulillah I managed to find one. It just 10 doors away from my house. I'm sweating a bit everytime I need to send her since the babysitter house is up on the hill.

My daily routine so far:

7.15am - packed all the breast milk

7.30am - send Irdhina to babysitter house

7.45am - depart to the office

6.30pm - pickup Irdhina

Talking about my eldest daughter "kakak". She's been too sensitive. Maybe because she's jealous with the attention given to her "adik". However, I'm glad that we can really depends on her especially when we need to take something such as diapers from our room upstairs etc. There are times in which your patience was truly tested but in the end I always need to admit that she's still a kid. A 3 years old kid. I'm sorry dear if you feel a bit neglected. But I do really love both of you "Adriana & Irdhina".

Not to forget, my wife who will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday my dear. Love you all


Wan Alya Irdhina


Irdhina has already one month old.
This post was actually meant for last week but I'm quite busy lately and only now I can update my blog.

Last week, as usual every Friday I will go back to my in law house to see my wife, my daughter and my baby. In one week time, Irdhina looks so different. She's so chubby. You can see it for yourself later.

Since she's already one month old, we decided to bring her for "sunat". Sorry no time to find out the correct translation. On top of that, I do the shaving of her hair as well.

And my mother said Irdhina looks exactly like Ardiana last time especially after we shave her hair. Coincidentally, last time we did wear adriana a same orange colour shirt as this one.

Today...I received MMS from my wife.....A nasty mosquito has bitten the chubby cheek of my daughter. Here's how it looks. chubby she is now. And my wife said that she drinks a lot of milk everyday. It's actually a breastfeed milk.

New Family Member

I guess it wasn't to late for my entry on my newborn baby.
Let me start with the chronology.

29 September 2011 3.30am

My wife went to the toilet and then realized that there are some blood together with the urine. She quickly woke me up. And after some checking, we decided to go to the Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital (APSH) immediately. But before that, i did take a quick shower.


We depart from our house in Gombak leaving my eldest daughter Adriana. She was still sleeping during that time. Before that, we quickly grab minyak selusuh to bring together with us. Thinking that if it is just a false positive than we can go back to our house before 7.00am.


Reach APSH and straight away went to the emergency area. Once O've done with the registration, the nurse take us to the maternity ward. And as usual they will put on the CTG machine. Surprisingly my wife already had contraction but she didn't felt any pain at all. From that time, I knew that definitely I'll be longer than expected there.


I quickly give a call to my parents in Ipoh. Hoping that they can come over and look after my eldest daughter Adriana. Hehehehe... They depart from Ipoh after Subuh prayer and reach KL around 8.00am.


I had my Subuh prayer inside the labor room together with my wife. Surprisingly she still didn't felt any pain at all. She just had some feel of going to toilet regularly. According to the nurse that's normal before delivery - Consider myself and my wife as a first timer (our first daughter was born emergency ceaser).


The nurse checked my wife and told us that it's already 5cm open. It was quite shocked for us by looking at my wife current reaction (cooled). The nurse did mentioned that the doctor which was supposed to be our doctor - Dr Fauziah was on leave as her daughter just given birth. The standby doctor will be Dr Arizza or Dr Ashar.


I went to the cafeteria to take my breakfast. hehehehe.... I better get myself full knowing that i'll definitely be in the labor room longer. However, they didn't allow my wife to eat anything to avoid the baby from suffocation. Too bad. But I did smuggle some bread into the labor room.


The nurse start to break the water bag. I did asked, why can't we just let it broke by itself. They did mentioned it will take until tomorrow for that. Before that, they did asked whether my wife would like to take epidural or not. We refuse to take it and only take some pain killer. Half an hour later the Doctor came. And it was Dr Ashar since Dr Arizza was out bringing her mother for checkup. Looks like....again...same like my first daughter. A male doctor will be handling my wife.
The Dr did mentioned that latest by 3.00pm the baby should be delivered.

12.00 - 1.00pm

The pain has started slowly until the time has come. I did saw the head of the baby. I keep on helping my wife and Alhamdulillah...about 4-5 wife safely delivered a baby girl weight 2.65kg at 1.21pm. Here's a picture of her...fresh from the oven.

And we have named her Wan Alya Irdhina....with the meaning "ketinggian penghoramatan kami".

34 weeks

Last Monday, I bring my wife to Ampang Puteri for her first checkup. It was the first time we went there as normally we did the checkup at a clinic just nearby our house.

My wife now 34 weeks of her pregnancy. I still remember the same time about 3 and half years ago. During that time....Adriana was born. Premature. 34 weeks with a weight of only 2kg. The stories can be refer HERE.

Three and half years has passed....this time our new baby weight already passed her sister Adriana with a weight of 2.1kg. Alhamdulillah....everything looks good.

The expected due date was originally on 22 Oct 2011. But from the last scan it will be on 16 Oct. Right now, i'm always on a standby mode. All the bags have been packed and put inside the car. I don't want the same situation happens when Adriana was born before.

As for the name, we have yet to pick the name for the new baby. Oh...the gender....well....we'll see later. I'll definitely update again soon.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Well, I guess it's not really too late for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf zahir dan batin.As usual....during this festive seasons....definitely there will be lot of open house, cookies, hampers etc. However, as per my previous posting on Biggest Loser ....I have to be cautious of my daily intake. Surely sometimes we can't resist the temptation. Hahahhaha

Just wanna share something.....i didn't disclose it in my previous posting.
When i first joined the weight was about 80kg. Trust me...that was the heaviest ever weight that I've ever reached in my whole life.

I did mentioned...I've been actively control my calories and involve in lot of exercises and managed to lose 3kg. Three months have passed since my's my BMI calculation

First one - 80kg 170cm

Clearly states....overweight. With BMI=27.7. Only 2.2 to reach the obesity level.

After 2 months....reduce by 3kg. 77kg 170cm.

One week before hari raya my weight already 74kg 170cm.
Still....slightly overweight. Just over the line by 0.6. BMI=25.6

So my next achieve the normal BMI. In order to achieve that i need to lose another 2kg at least. Hope that I can succeed. Wish me luck.

Singapore Trip Part 2

The next day of my trip to Singapore starts a bit late. Since we are just going around for some sightseeing and some shopping.

As usual....we started our day with breakfast. This time at the same shop but with the so called famous Mee Rebus in Singapore. Then, straight away we went to Marina Bay using the MRT. It's quite convenient just like Hong Kong. We'll see how does Malaysia MRT will looks later.

There we just enjoy the view of Esplanade Theatres, Singapore Flyer (the same like Eye on Malaysia) and Sands Skypark.

Next we went to Orchard road. My aim - perfumes. It can be considered cheap during this time around. I bought myself Bvalgari and Versace. And we can redeem bax the tax exemption at the airport. And I managed to redeem about SGD16. At orchard road, my daughter was so excited to take picture. One time, when there's a lot sclupture with different colors, she insisted to take picture with all of it one by one. Here's some of it

Guess, that's all for my trip. We departed back to KL the next morning flight around 7.45am.


Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan


Singapore Trip Part 1

My next vacation trip for this year is Singapore. I booked the flight in November last year. As usual…Airsia free tickets. This is not the first time I went to Singapore actually. Last time, when my grandmother stays in JB, we usually went to Singapore as well. But that was 10 – 15 years ago. Hahahahha.

I’m not really enjoyed going for a country in which I’ll become poorer. The last two countries that I visited was Hong Kong and Indonesia both has a lower exchange rate. The currency rate there was quite high. During that time it was RM2.46 = SGD1. But considering that my main destination is Universal Studios, so why not spending. Maybe it will once in a lifetime visit only.

I went there from 14th July – 17th July 2011 and we stayed in a budget hotel around Geylang. Forgot to mentioned, I went there with my wife, daughter, father, mother and two of my younger brother. Geylang is an area which can be consider as black area. But our hotel is Emerald Fragrance Hotel located in Lorong 6. The black area is around Lorong 20. And our hotel is just a walking distance to Kallang MRT station. On top of that, it is also within distance to two restaurants. One we always drop by for breakfast and the other one for our dinner.

We arrived at night on 14th July. So the next day, around 8.30am we went out for breakfast and took the MRT to Universal Studios.

We reached there around 9.30am. It only opens at 10.00 am. So while waiting for it to be open, we just snapped some pictures.

By the time it's open, its already crowded with people. We have to queue up quite long before entering the USS. I was told that if we come on weekends, the crowd is much more than weekdays. So Friday for us, was not really a bad one.I found that USS is not much different from Hong Kong Disneyland. Except that Disneyland is slightly bigger than USS. I did managed to cover everything in USS not like in Disneyland which i missed some of the show there. I don't think i can upload all pictures here. I might put it in my FB later. But i really frustrated with the picture i took with Marilyn Monroe....the cameraman shakes a lot and in the end resulting a blurr image of me. Was thinking of posing only with her, but my wife did not agree with the idea. Heheheh

So we spent the entire day in Universal Studios. We went back around 7.30pm.
I'll continue my posting later on our sightseeing and shopping tour around Singapore.

Mass Web Defacement

Yesterday, 15/6/2011 was a big event or should I say I as disaster to sites. Earlier, it was informed that they will be a mass hacking or defacement to the Malaysian government websites in protest against the Government's censorship of the Internet and because Malaysia had blocked 10 file sharing sites.

Here’s the reported news and some other info that i have added.

Source from:

PETALING JAYA: Local websites have been hacked ahead of the deadline set by a foreign-based hacker group, Anonymous, that said it would attack the Malaysian Government portal at 3.30am today.

On the micro-blogging site Twitter yesterday evening, there were reports that 27 sites in total had been hacked.

But these were not named and there was no confirmation from the authorities as to the accuracy of the tweets.

Among the sites known to have been hacked was the Sabah Tourism website, The defaced site was spotted early yesterday by the chief executive of a company that organises security conferences.

The Sabah Tourism website has since gone offline.

The data that was posted online were e-mail addresses and passwords.

On the webpage where the hackers posted the data, they claimed they had the details of more than 3,400 users from the Sabah Tourism site, but they were only exposing the 392.

The hackers also claimed to be Anonymous members and that they meant no harm, and only wanted to show the vulnerability of this site.

The site was also hacked and defaced yesterday. He had checked the site after viewing the hacked Sabah Tourism website. It was defaced with words that included “Deface by Kambeng Merah: Credit to DarkJawa.”

Another website hacked was, which belongs to the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB).

It was defaced with a long message that scolded the Government for censoring the Internet. However, a while later, the site was back to normal.

Anonymous had threatened to hack the portal to protest against the Government's censorship of the Internet and because Malaysia had blocked 10 filesharing sites.

These sites were among the most visited by Malaysians to illegally download movies.

Here's the full list of yesterday event:

Uitm Penang websites also has been defaced. The questions? Is it done by the ex student. Hehehehhe


Biggest Loser

I managed to join in the contest organized by the organization called Fit & Fab Challenge. From the name itself it does shows that we need to get fit and a look fabulous at the end of the contest. It’s almost the same like Biggest Loser contest. I guess. They haven’t come out with the rules and regulations yet.

I first heard about the challenge 2 months ago in which each and everyone of us have to weigh in our weight and monitor our BMI. When I take my first weigh in I’m the third heaviest in the whole IT Department. Hahahaha…..I think I have reached the heaviest level that I had I my whole life. Since then, I’ve been doing lot of exercise and control my food and I managed to reduce 3kg up till today.

But somehow, the challenge only starts next week. Guess I shouldn’t start all the exercise and diet earlier. There are about 24 contestants who will participate in this challenge. Of all, so far I think I’m the lightest. In fact the organizer did ask me why I want to participate. Maybe they just don’t believe it until they saw my BMI which is above 25 to qualify for the challenge.

All the participants for this challenge are entitled to:

- Receive a healthy-eating Starter Pack

- Join motivational talks and fitness sessions

- Participate in trial workout at gyms

- Tips on eating healthy

- Weekly confidential weigh-ins

- And many other benefits

It’s a 12 week challenge and I hope that I can get my ideal BMI by the end of the program. Winning definitely not in my mind considering the rest of the participants which surely have much more calories and fats to burn out. Wish me luck.


Trip to Melaka

Since Wesak Day falls on tuesday, I did take a leave on Monday. We went to Melaka for some holiday. But for me, the main target would be Asam Pedas and Muara Ikan Bakar Sungai Duyung.

We went there on Sunday and back to KL on tuesday. We depart at around 10.30am and I expect us to reach there during lunch hour so that we can take our lunch then only proceed for check in. Our first destination - Hajjah Mona asam pedas. As usual my choice would definitely the stingray (pari). At first I just order one, but once i taste it it makes me order another one. Overall i give a thumbs up for the taste and the spicy. This is what we call asam pedas.We checked in at Hotel Seri Costa. It's just nearby Mahkota Parade as well as all the historical place. Overall the hotel is OK considering my wife got it for free since she joined one travel club. We plan to stay atAyer Keroh Village Resort at first, but somehow it is fully booked.

Around 4.00pm I bring my wife and my daughter up to Menara Taming Sari. The ticket cost RM10 for adult but I can't remember the amount charged for kids. Overall, i wonder why don't they built in much higher. Then we went around that area including the museum which was built on ship. I still remember the last time i went there was during my standard 5 or 6 if i'm not mistaken.

After maghrib, straight away we went to Muara Ikan Bakar Sungai Duyung. It was about 6km from our hotel. How do i know the direction? As usual, my really best friend - GARMIN help us all the way. Hehehehehe. I guess the timing we arrived there was just nice. Then only around 8.30pm the place starts to get packed.I took one Siakap (850gm) as well as some squid. They suggested me to cook the fish into two different meals. Half sweet sour and the other half normal "ikan bakar style". The taste was really nice. As for the squid we asked for "goreng tepung". The price is just nice with all the fruit juice and rice - RM44.

The next day, around 10.00am we went too Zoo Melaka. Well, I'll continue later on our visit to the zoo. I can't concentrate now since my daughter keep on touching the keyboard.

Poem Recitation

Just some updates from my previous poem recitation contest. I have almost completed on the memorization (last two sentences only). However, all of sudden we received email from Corporate Comm personnel saying that each department can only be represented by one participant. This is to cut short the time as we only have one and half hour for the session.

Based on the earlier list that we submitted, ITD should be represented by three persons – me myself, Haszalina and Aida. So we have to choose the best one to participate and represent our department. Initially, Aida pulled off since she had migraine while attempting to memorize the entire poem. Hahahhaha. So it comes to the two of us.

Unfortunately, during that day we have the nationwide DR test for Rentas. Since, I’m one of those in charge for Rentas so I have no choice to pull off from the competition as well. In the end, ITD managed to grab the third prize and won I Pod shuffle.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers