
Kelantan Trip

I arrived in KL from Machang, Kelantan about 4.45 pm today. We departed from Machang at about 10.00 am. We stopped only twice, one at the Gua Musang R&R where we have our nice lunch - Sup Tulang with rice and the last stopped is at Masjid somewhere near Raub I think.

The charity program organized by Bank Muamalat is known as Masih Ada Yang Sayang (MAYS). The destination that we went is Asrama Bakti Machang.
We arrived in Machang on Thursday at about 6.30pm. We departed a bit late from the Head Office at around 10.45am on Thursday. Once we arrived, we checked in at a resthouse just a few steps away from the Asrama Bakti. Since that its already late, nothing can be done that day. After the maghrib prayer, we had our dinner.

In the next morning, we have been invited by the Principal of the Rumah Bakti to have a breakfast at his house. He served us with nasi kerabu and it was really nice.
Then only we went back to the Asrama Bakti to start our job. We start with painting the building with our corporate color - orange. At the same time, some of my colleagues are changing the lights with a new one.
We also make contributed a signboard for the house. It was specially designed in KL and brought all way long to here. Here's the signboard.
Next, we paint the Surau , the gate as well as the main entrance. We also repaint again the background for the signboard. Hahahaha.

On Saturday, the actual event start. I forgot to tell you that this event will be officiated by the MB of Kelantan - Tuan Guru Dato' Hj Nik Aziz Hj Nik Mat. He arrived in his Proton Perdana at around 11.30 am.It was a great opportunity for us to shake hand with him and I'm one of it. This is something that quite hard to be done to other MB. He took his time to shake hand with all the person, one by one even without any umbrella covering him. I managed to snap up some close up pictures of him while waiting for my turn.
Once he finished with his speech he was accompanied by our CEO to plant some tree at the field around the house. We prepared a glove and a shovel for him, but he choosed to do it on his bare hands.Overall, it was a great trip. I would love to join again with this program if given chances to do so. Just before we went back, we went to Rantau Panjang for some shopping.


Today, I was told that I might need to go to Kelantan this Thursday till Sunday.
The Bank will be organizing a charity program with one of the orphanage house there. From the IT department, we're bringing PC for them as a gift. That's why I'm in the picture of the event.
However, I'll get the confirmation on it tomorrow.

Its a great thing to travel around. But on the same day, the Bank's are organizing an event with Microsoft. It is called Microsoft Office Day. Microsoft will be promoting their Office 2007 and we can get the Home Premium edition for just RM50. On top of that, Sophos Anti Virus will be giving away their anti virus software for free. Better ask my colleague to get one for me in case I really need to go to Kelantan.

Besides all the excitement, I'm feeling a bit sad since I have to leave my little baby and my wife. Hope that my wife can handle the situation well. Even though it just 3 to 4 days, definitely I'll be missing the voice of my baby. Right now, every day I always spend some time talking to my baby since she's already started to talk even it is just a mumbling sound. Hahahaha.
My Precious

My 27th Birthday

Today is my 27th birthday. This year I'm celebrating it with 2 person - my wife and my daughter. Last year it was only two of us.
Early in the morning I received a lot of birthday wishes from my brother Abdah, my auntie Umi Pah, my mother, my insurance agent, my friends - Dilla, Wynn, Niza, Shazmi, Azie, A'an, Akram, Pesot, Daniel and some other friends that I can't recall their names. Not to forget some of my officemate. But the most romantic one comes from my lovely wife. She sends and e card for me. Thanx guys.
birthday cake
The cake

My wife planned for a dinner with me. She bought a cake and a present for me. and it was a 2GB MP3 player. Thank you so much sayang. Really appreciate it. Luckily during our dinner, my baby was in a good mood. Here are some of the pictures. I need to upload using photobucket since blogger got problem uploading it.
MP3 player
My birthday present

with my baby
With my daughter

my wife and baby
My wife holding our daughter

my family
My happy family

There are actually lot of pictures. Unfortunately its already late.
Maybe I'll upload again later. See ya

My New PC

Today, I received my new PC. Comparing to my last job, this one definitely the best. I'm not condemning EON, but its the truth. I only received pentium 4 pc but with 256mb ram and a tft 15" monitor. Likewise, in Muamalat I received a brand new HP pc. The spec is totally awesome.

Pentium Duo Core @ 3.00 ghz
1.97ghz speed
250Gb HDD
17" Plasma LCD monitor

Here are the pictures, but the quality is quite bad since I just snap it using my 2.0 megapixel phone without using the flash.
Okay, enough of it. Yesterday my boss sent me for a seminar at Boulevard Hotel Midvalley. The seminar is about Data Leakage and Protection conducted by ABS.
They are the distributor for Checkpoint, Lumension, Crossbeam and Sophos. I also met my ex SCAN colleague Nik there. Basically, the seminar is quite good and in fact we planned to arrange for a meeting for their Websense product (web filtering).

There is one interesting thing that I found out today. Unlike other bank where their officer are bound under the NUBE and ABOM category. Don't ask me the full name of that acronym. In Muamalat we have a union as well named as KEPAK. Some of the best part that i noticed, the increment is fixed every year for those grade 10 and below. Therefore, every year I can expect a 200 increment. On top of that there are other benefits that I don't think I can disclose it here. But, I think that I have made the right decision by joining this bank. Alhamdulillah.

First Two Days

It's already two days since I joined Bank Muamalat.
Let me share some of my experience there.

When I reached the bank on Monday about 8.15 am, I'm having my breakfast with my old colleague Zahar. Then, I went to HR to submit the offer letter together with all the documents. One thing that really impressed me is when i need to sign the Baiah. This reminds me with the Baiah that I used to take during Matriculation and Degree time. On top of that, the HR personnel recite the doa before i sign the Baiah.

Then I went to the IT department. There, I was briefed about the entire IT structure. I was assigned under the IT Support which focus on the Security. Among the task that my boss assigned to me are Rentas E Pki which was the same with what I've done in EON Bank, Internet Gateway and the Proxy implementation.Then I've been introduced to all the the IT staff. I think the total IT staff is just about 20++.

I'm also doing some research on all the tasks given to me and I managed to arrange a POC with the vendor for the proxy. We'll have a meeting on Thursday about it. I received the Bank official necktie together with the code of conduct handbook for my reference. One thing that I really like is when all the male staff went for Asar prayer for jemaah. That's something I didn't found in my last employment.


Conventional to Islamic

Last 7 months I've been working in a conventional banking (EON Bank) but starting tomorrow I'll be working in an islamic banking. I believe some of my friends still didn't know where I'm up to. There are quite a number of islamic banking in Malaysia. Easily we can name it. KFH, Bank Islam, Bank Muamalat and Arrajhi Bank. Well, I'm heading to Bank Muamalat.
I'm not sure yet about my jobscope. Wish me luck for my first day tomorrow. Also hope for a better future where I can build up my long term career there.

Last Day

Well....today is my last day working in EON Bank. Today as well the oil price no longer RM1.92 per liter. Its now RM2.70 per liter.

I start my day as usual. But before I came to the office I drop by to the panel clinic for EON Bank nearby my house to take some cough medicine. I'm enjoying the medical benefit up to the last day of my employment.

I'm having a lunch retreat with all my team from security administration. We went to Pizza Hut. Only Salleh , Ee Ling and Cheah missing from the retreat. However, I would like to thank all of you for the retreat.

Just after having my lunch, I browse through ITTUTOR website. The hottest topic definitely the price of the petrol. I also posted my comments and opinion on it. Everyone was in angry mood. In fact, me myself already angry with the government decision since yesterday. The reason:

  1. Last few days PM said that don't believed all the rumors saying that the petrol price will rise. The government only planned to do it somewhere in August. Then all the sudden, the price go up. And to make things worst, it went up by 78 cents. The highest ever in Malaysia history. The situation is almost the same when the PM said about the general election. First he said that the parliament will continue, but he changed his mind the next day.

  2. The traffic was really bad yesterday since my house is located near 4 petrol stations. I went back home first and around 8.00 pm I went out to fill up the fuel. Unfortunately, the road in front of my house the car not moving at all. The traffic goes from bad to worst. As a conclusion, I failed to fill up the petrol with the RM1.92 price.

  3. Eventhough I will get extra money for my new jobs, looks like it will not make any much different.

Another interesting story inside ITTUTOR is about the Prime Minister Office official website being hacked. I thought it was true. But the fact, they just point it to other website by using the PMO officical website as the header. Here is the screen.


If I point it like this, http://www.pmo.gov.my/website/webdbase.nsf/w_4?openForm&url=http://www.wanrulez.blogspot.com

it will also have the same header as the PMO official website. So don't get confused on it.

Last but not least, I have also terminated the credit card that I received as a staff for EON Bank. So, no more 10k credit limit. So, for now no more 10k credit limit. To all my friends who read this blog, wish me luck for the better future.


The moment......

This morning, when I arrived at the office straight away I went to see my boss about my resignation. I was supposed to informed her yesterday (Monday), but unfortunately I need to take emergency leave yesterday since my mother in law admitted to the hospital and nobody to take care of my baby.

Alright back to the point. I've told her that I'm leaving the bank soon. She was quite shocked by asking whether I have tender my resignation. I've told her that I have submit it last Friday and my last day will be on Thursday.
She asked me whether I'm receiving a better offer or just because I want to leave. I told her that I got a better offer. Then she started telling me that, she already discussed it with our big boss about my situation. And they planned to look at my confirmation letter first whether I received any adjustment upon my confirmation. If I didn't received any adjustment upon my confirmation, they planned to query HR about it (not sure whether its true or not......or just to make me feel better). But looks like its too late already. I've made up my mind and its time to move on. By the way, she planned to arrange for a farewell lunch this Thursday.

Then I've been told to delegate all the jobs and brief my colleague about the CTCS project status.
At the same time I went to Branch Processing Centre (BPC) and met with Head. He already knew that I'm leaving. We have a bit chit chat and he said its a loss for the bank. Wahhhhh....I felt really appreciated.

Around 3.00 pm I went to our Disaster Recovery Centre in Puchong. All the way, I have a chat with my colleague Tan. He told me that, my boss really hope that I can stay. And she also plan to try to counter the offer that I already received. I'm totally speechless . But I know that it is impossible since my big boss is on leave this whole week and considering the confirmation that I received from the HR one month after I got confirmed, I don't think HR can come up with the new offer in just 2 days to go. It's a miracle if that happens.

So that's how the story for today. Another story is that starting from today, I've sent my baby to a babysitter new Taman Melati. I'm so glad to found someone to take care of my baby. Actually my friends Hisham from EPF recommended me to send my baby to her since he sent his child to her last time.
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers