I arrived in KL from Machang, Kelantan about 4.45 pm today. We departed from Machang at about 10.00 am. We stopped only twice, one at the Gua Musang R&R where we have our nice lunch - Sup Tulang with rice and the last stopped is at Masjid somewhere near Raub I think.
The charity program organized by Bank Muamalat is known as Masih Ada Yang Sayang (MAYS). The destination that we went is Asrama Bakti Machang.

We arrived in Machang on Thursday at about 6.30pm. We departed a bit late from the Head Office at around 10.45am on Thursday. Once we arrived, we checked in at a resthouse just a few steps away from the Asrama Bakti. Since that its already late, nothing can be done that day. After the maghrib prayer, we had our dinner.
In the next morning, we have been invited by the Principal of the Rumah Bakti to have a breakfast at his house. He served us with nasi kerabu and it was really nice.
Then only we went back to the Asrama Bakti to start our job. We start with painting the building with our corporate color - orange. At the same time, some of my colleagues are changing the lights with a new one.

We also make contributed a signboard for the house. It was specially designed in KL and brought all way long to here. Here's the signboard.

Next, we paint the Surau , the gate as well as the main entrance. We also repaint again the background for the signboard. Hahahaha.
On Saturday, the actual event start. I forgot to tell you that this event will be officiated by the MB of Kelantan - Tuan Guru Dato' Hj Nik Aziz Hj Nik Mat. He arrived in his Proton Perdana at around 11.30 am.

It was a great opportunity for us to shake hand with him and I'm one of it. This is something that quite hard to be done to other MB. He took his time to shake hand with all the person, one by one even without any umbrella covering him. I managed to snap up some close up pictures of him while waiting for my turn.

Once he finished with his speech he was accompanied by our CEO to plant some tree at the field around the house. We prepared a glove and a shovel for him, but he choosed to do it on his bare hands.

Overall, it was a great trip. I would love to join again with this program if given chances to do so. Just before we went back, we went to Rantau Panjang for some shopping.