
Extreme Autoshow

As mentioned in my previous post. Here's the picture.
For all pictures....please take some time to view all below(click for a larger image):


A Trip to Bandung (23 -25 Dec 08)

Home sweet home. But I do missed Bandung. I love shopping there.
Well, hope I can come again next year (2009).

Before we went to Bandung, I purposely bought a new stroller for my baby. I bought something like umbrella type of stroller for convenience during our trip. Our flight was supposed to depart at 11.40 am but three days earlier I received an sms saying that our flight have been re timed to 3.40pm. As we're all aware about Air Asia, flight delay is a culture. The flight only took off around 4.10pm and we reached Bandar Udara Sastanegara Bandung (Bandung Airport) about 5.10pm (Indonesia time) or about 6.10pm malaysia time. 6.00pm there are exactly like 7.00pm here.We took a taxi from the airport to Sukajadi Hotel. The traffic was really bad and we only arrived for check in around 8.00pm. However, the taxi fares was supposed to be Rp35,000 and I paid with Rp50,000 but the taxi driver didn't return the balance. So guys, please prepare yourself with small changes to avoid the same case happen.

Nothing much can be done on the first day except we had some Sundanese Food at Ampera Restaurant. It's a bit late so nothing much left as well. But we planned to have it again before we went back t0 Kl. That night, we just took some fish, prawn, chicken and egg plus the fruit juce for 4 person and it cost just Rp87,000 or about RM26. Cheap right. hehehehe.

The next day, as early as 8.30am after having our breakfast, straight away we went to Pasar Baru (a shopping heaven for women). It opens at 9.00am. Forgot to mentioned, we got a good bargain for a tour guide from the hotel security guard. It cost only Rp450,000 for one day tour compare to others which charge up to Rp650,000. Anyone want to get his number, do let me know. His name is Lili Permana.Lili playing with my baby

My wife and my mother bought quite a numbers of tudung, telekung, kain batik as well as some other clothes from here. My father accompanying them while I'm staying with my baby and Lili. We have a bit of chit chat and at the same time some of the cewek there came by and asked for permission to snap my baby photo. It would be much better if can I can joined as well.

Then we went for our lunch at Nasi Padang restaurant. Lili brought us to a really nice place. We then proceed to the factory outlet since Bandung itseld is famous for its factory outlet store. I can't recall how many outlet actually we went. Just look at all the picture. I managed to grab some items such as Versace jeans, HUGO BOSS jeans, HUGO BOSS jacket, Lacoste t shirt, Oishkosh skirt for my baby, disney's, fisher price and many other things with a really good price.
That's why I'm planning to come back here next year. Here's all the picture as picture speaks louder than words. (77 pictures all)


Some wrap up

Well some wrap up. I might not be writing for a while after this. Not quit, just a break.
I just received my confirmation letter two days ago. My confirmation date was on 9 Dec 2008 and I received the letter on 17 Dec 2008. Not bad. Praise for the HR. Compare to my previous employment, I only receives my confirmation letter one month after my confirmation date and the good thing is I received it on the day I tender my resignation. Hahahaha
Next week on Tuesday, I’ll be leaving to Bandung Indonesia together with my wife, my mother and my father. Not to forget my little princess Adriana. Consider it as a family trip. I’ll be on leave for the whole next week. I booked the flight and everything 2 days before my baby was born. Just to share some info on the foreign exchange. The first time I change some money for Indonesia rupiah the rate was about RM3.04 for rp10, 000. The second time I changed it, the rate was RM3.40 for rp10, 000 and yesterday the rate was RM3.28 for rp10, 000. I’m not that rich to bring a hell lot of money there. Eventhough Bandung was known for a shopping city. I changed it for my parents as well actually. But still, I can be considered as a millionaire right now (in Indonesians currency).
I haven’t used my passport since my last trip to Bandung and Jakarta about 3 years ago. I’m not sure when will be my next oversea trip. I really should have a proper plan on it since we did pay RM150 for Adriana passport as well. Here’s the passport photo of her with shocked face and almost zero smile.

Yesterday as well, I got a complimentary ticket for the International Extreme Autoshow which will be held in Bukit Jalil from 26 – 28 December 2008. Thanks to my colleague for his good relationship with former sports minister Datuk Azalina Othman. Hehehehhe. Here’s the ticket as well some billboard poster I supposed appeared around bukit bintang. I’ll update later some picas (hot babes) and cars from the event on my next post. Hahahaha

I guess that's all for now. I'm a bit busy lately. Another reason is that I'm preparing myself for the Bank's contest. It just some essay competition i say. But not really an essay since we just need to answer in point form. Who knows maybe I'll get the grand prize - a Modenas KRISS 120 motorcycle. Hahahaha. So guys, pray for me. Then you might have the opportunity to ride with me.



Well, today’s mark the completion of my probation period. Unofficially I’m already a confirmed staff. Just waiting for the official letter from HR. According to my colleagues it somehow will take about one to two weeks. Hmm…It’s ok as long it doesn’t take one month like my previous employment. On top of my confirmation, the rumors that we heard before is no longer a rumors. It has become a fact. The fact that the Head of IT in this bank’s has tendered his resignation. Too bad for us. He was a very kind and understandable person. No wonder some the “akak” in the office crying a lot. Hehehehe. The main reason of his resignation, somehow due to the new management from DRB. From what I heard it’s somehow MSS not VSS. To En Lukman. We wish you all the best for the upcoming futures. Should there any available vacancies, do let us know. Hehehehhe.

I think it’s still not too late for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to fellow Muslims. This year, we went back to Ipoh on Friday and came back to KL yesterday. I didn’t manage to snap any picture since my camera and parent’s camera running out of batteries. My baby, Adriana still afraid of people and keeps on crying during the Hari Raya. Same situation when I sent her to the new babysitter. Right now, my baby eagerly on discovering every angle in our house and it’s quite hard to hold her. Everything now came within her reached especially the newspaper and the magazines.

Here’s a picture of my baby having her Farley’s biscuit by herself.

Hey, what are you looking at huh?

p/s: yesterday was also my mother birthday. Happy Birthday mama.


Wifey Birthday

Yesterday 3rd December 2008, I was on leave since it was my my wife birthday. On top of that, I also need to make the passport for my baby.
Forgot to mentioned that I'll be going to Bandung just before Christmas.
Remember on my last post, i did mentioned that this month I'm a bit tight on budgeting.
First it was my wife birthday, then I need to start paying my housing loan, next the Bandung trip and early next year my car road tax and insurance will be expired.

Something to share on yesterday event. We went for a buffet dinner in Shangrila Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Specifically in Lemon Garden Cafe. Well, here's some picture of it.
Overall, I think the food was marvelous. Perhaps someday maybe we can go there again.

Lately, there's quite a lot of rumors flying around the banks. Hopefully it just a rumors. Since the took over of the new management, everything seems a bit blurr. We will have a department meeting tomorrow and we'll see the situation then.


Starting next month or in other words next week I’ll be sending Adriana to a new babysitter. It’s not that there’s a problem with the existing one. It just that my existing babysitter Makcik Nab need to take care of her daughter which expects to deliver somewhere around December. It’s really hard to find for a replacement. I prefer sending her to someone house rather than sending it to the nursery. Luckily Makcik Nab says it will be for temporary only. And I can send back Adriana to her once her daughter finish her “pantang”.

Talking about the new babysitter, it’s not my first choice option actually. But it is the only option I have. So by hook or by crook looks like I have to send Adriana to her starting from this Monday. Something weird that I need to pay upfront the fees or I can say the charges on the first day. Normally we pay at the end of each month right? Not to mention that she also charge a bit high compare to the existing one. Meaning, this month would be a bit headache since I need to pay for two babysitter fees. Arghhhhhhhh…I really need to plan my budget properly. To make things worse, my road tax will expire in early January plus some other occasions throughout this December which I’ll tell you guys later. Hehehehe…

I still have another two days to find another option. Heheheh. I always keep my finger cross hoping that another babysitter appears. This morning as well, Makcik Nab promised to look around her house for any possibilities. So to anyone who reads my blog, do let me know if you guys know any babysitter preferably around Tmn Melati, Gombak or anywhere nearby.

p/s: today I see an advertisement in Jobstreet from my previous employer....the position that I left before. Anyone want to try?

I'm so sad

I was a bit sad yesterday.

I was told by my babysitter, Adriana might be infected by “Demam Campak”. Immediately after Maghrib prayer I took her to the panel clinic. However, the doctor told us that it just a beginning and nothing to worries of. My mother also advised us to give some coconut water that might helps.

Actually, last Saturday when my baby woke up in the morning. I felt that her body temperature was a bit hot. After using the thermometer, it shows 38.1 Celsius. But the doctor just gave her a normal fever medicine. Last weekend my baby seems to lose her appetite. Even a bottle of milk also she won’t be able to finish it.

I did snap a picture of her yesterday while sleeping. Sorry coz the image a bit blurr since I didn’t use any flash. She’ holding my name tag tightly eventhough she was sleeping. Until now, I’m still sad about it. She also got some cough that always makes her awake while asleep. Anyone have idea how I can cure it besides using Breacol? I mean the traditional way.


Frust & Cool

I was really frustrated when I was about to start my car engine this morning.
It's not that the car got problem but I noticed that my car antenna was stolen.
As a result.....the radio reception quite bad. I've called the Perodua service centre. It cost RM38.

On the coolest part.
Here's my new look of gmail account.
A bit stylo and modern. Well done google


The last time I used photoshop was back in UIA time and it was about 5 years ago.
Here's one experiment of basic photoshop.
I will try to relearn again and brush up on my skills and techniques.

The Duck

What would you guys think on the title of my post?
Actually its somehow related to the Digi advertisement. What makes it so interesting?

Well, it was my 8 months old baby favorite advertisement. In fact, at one time even though she was sleeping, she can easily awake when hearing the sound of the duck from that advertisement.
Not to mentioned during breastfeeding, even she's too hungry still have some time just to watch the advertisement till it ends.

In the end, I bought her a lookalike duck. Not one, but the whole duck family - consisting of the mother, sister, brother etc. hehehhe. It was a bit hard to find it actually. At first, i found it at Pavillion KL. Unfortunately, it doesn't have any sound and it cost about RM19 for one duck. Luckily I got a better one in Billion Ipoh for five pieces with a cost around RM10.

My baby was really excited with that. But the excitement only last for while and now she's getting bored already. But the excitement with the advertisement remain unchanged. Here's the duck family i told about.
Guess, I can get some royalty from Digi. hehehehhe


A quick update on my life. I’m quite busy lately with all the RFP for 2 projects that I’m involved with.Last two days (12-13 November 2008) I was attending a security awareness training organized by Cybersecurity Malaysia (formerly known as NISER). Even though I’m already familiar with all the contents, but some it’s a good course to refresh my knowledge. I still remember that I did conduct the same training for IT staff in EON Bank last time.

Move on to some of the latest movies shows in the cinema. I can’t remember when the last time I went to a cinema was. But definitely during my wife still on her pregnancy. Till then, I never went anymore. Not because I don’t want to but considering I’m having an eight months old baby, guess I’ve to put it on hold for a while. Luckily I have internet access at home. Internet – as people would say world without boundaries. Hehehehe. I did download some movies such as Bangkok Dangerous, Tropic thunder, Max Payne, Eagle Eye etc. But the latest movies are Madagascar2 and Quantum of Solace 007.
The best thing, it is FREE and the quality i can consider a really good one. I'll update again tomorrow or Sunday on something else.

Perkasa Diri

Wah. It’s been so long since my last update (16th Oct). It was really a tight and packed month.

On the 22 -24th October 2008, I’m attending a course name as Kursus Pencetus Perkasa Diri (KPPD).

It was organized by the Bank and compulsory for all newly (huh….am I still new after almost 5 months here?) recruited staff. It was held at Agrotek Garden Chalet Resort. Guess, where is the location of the resort? Actually it was just nearby - in Hulu Langat. Overall this course or I should say camp was great. I love the venue and not to miss the meals. We were served with 6 meals daily. And the best part is it’s FREE.

me and my team during the course
my team got the second place
With all the participants and trainer

Since that I was not around since Wednesday till Friday and the next Monday is a holiday, I missed out some email sent from my colleagues. To Nurman and Musa, sorry for didn’t attend your open house. Perhaps maybe you guys can organize another open house dedicated for me. Hahahaha.

Yesterday, my father in law again admitted to the hospital. It was a recurrence of last sickness. The doctor has confirmed that my father in law got a stomach cancer. I was shocked with that news. He will go under the knife on 11 November 2008. Those who read my blog, please pray for his health.

Last but not least, this morning I woke up around 4.00am to watch football match between Manchester United and West Ham (MU won by 2-0). As I turned on the TV and ASTRO, it doesn’t show any picture. At first, I thought I’m the only one facing that problem. Luckily my other colleague Nik Apis (a same diehard fan of MU) informed that he’s facing the problem. I tried to call ASTRO customer service, unfortunately the customer service only operates from 8.00am onwards. Since that they’re providing 24 hours TV, by right they should have 24 hours customer service as well. Quote from Nik Apis “no wonder Ananda Krishnan are damn rich”. Luckily the problem solved 20 minutes later. But I missed the first goal. Arghhhhhh

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers