

Yes. Don’t be surprised. I have tender my resignation with the Bank effective 17th December 2010. However, I still need to give 3 months notice before I can start at the new place. Thank god they are far than willing to wait for me.

As I did mentioned in my older post, specifically:

I did highlight that someone has been disrupting the harmony in the department and now to the Bank as a whole. After spending for about two and half year (as at 9/12/2010) and still counting till my last day I believe the time has come for me to move on. I hope my colleague will keep on fighting for it. Who knows, it may change some day. Insyaallah.

Back to my new offer, they are the one who approached me. I received a call from the section head back in end of October 2010. He’s asking me whether I’m interested to try for the available position in the organization. Nothing to lose, I accept his invitation.

A week later, HR staff from the organization calls me for an interview session and arrange for it on 4/11/2010. I was told there are three candidates for the interview. I didn’t put so much hope of being hired by the organization but Alhamdulillah, in the end it was meant for me. Considering the offer and all perks and benefits offered, it was really hard for me to turn it down. Though my current supervisor repeatedly asked me to consider again should the Bank counter offer.

However, taking into considerations all the factors and current situation, I think it would be better for me to move on and start a new chapter of my career. Sorry guys, I have to go. This is a great opportunity for me. Hopefully, we can still remain in touch. It has been a terrific time working with some of you.

Tentatively, I planned to start at the new place on 1/3/2010 but we’ll see whether I can get an early release for it.


Adriana First Movie Outing

Last Tuesday, it was a public holiday - Awal Muharram.

It was a last minute plan actually. Adriana was sleeping from 2.00 pm till 4.30 pm. Then I told my wife, why not we go for a movie.
Since we have never brought Adriana for any movies before.

We quickly went to MBO Galaxy Ampang. I loved to watch movie here since i can be guaranteed of the available tickets. If i went to other bigger cinema the chances might be 50 -50.
As i mentioned, we managed to get the tickets for show at 6.30 pm. By calculating the time of the movie it should be finish by 8.00 pm. Meaning i still have injury time for my maghrib prayer.
Forgot to mentioned, the movie was Rapunzel and it was a really entertaining and enjoy movie.

And guess what, Adriana manage to concentrate on the movie until the last 15 minutes. Here's a picture of her


Happy Birthday to You Dear

Tomorrow 3rd December is my wife 29th birthday.
Specially for the event which I'll be celebrate it tonight, I have booked a cake from Baker's Cottage.
Why I choose Baker's Cottage? Not Secret Recipe?
Well, both are just nearby my house. But Secret Recipe does not offer a medium size of cake compare to Baker's Cottage. Taking into consideration the number of people which will eat the cake later on.

The cake that I booked two days ago looks like this. It's a surprise actually for my wife, but I'm sure she didn't read this blog earlier. Hehehehe.
And the present, I better keep it to myself. Last but not least, Happy Birthday to You Farrah Nor Bt Nori. Love you.

Ibu Outstation

Yesterday, I was alone at house with Adriana since my wife went to JB. It can be considered as hectic day in my life. While having to take of Adriana, I also need to monitor the workers at our backyard as well as our frontyard. We did some minor renovations (not renovations actually, just do extra piping and some cement slapping).

And in any normal day, while my wife was around, it would be her job to do washing when Adriana having her poo. Yesterday, Adriana had a poo, not once but three times. I'm sure my wife will be laughing if she reads this.

Eventhough I was so tired yesterday, still I enjoy that moment. Adriana has been playing with her Teddy bear as well as her new bicycle. And some time, she sings all the songs she knew such as Ibu, Shahir (Kebahagiaan dlm perpisahan) and Balik Kampung.
Here's a capture that i managed to snap while i'm reheating the meals last night

This one is a movie which i snap long time ago. She was singing Ibu (from the fearnleaf ad)


Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri part 2

Okey let's continue with some updates.

Last Sunday, I was on my out with my wife and my daughter for our lunch. Heheheh.
We just went out for lunch since still in Raya mood and nothing to cook actually.

Coming back from our lunch, i noticed that the condition of both my Myvi front Tyre was very bad. I can see the thread of the Tyre. Actually, i did plan to changed it last time when i got the bonus. Unfortunately, we can just planned for it but everything will be determine by Allah.

Considering I'm quite broke this Aidilfitri i just swipe the plastic card totaling RM370. This month my expenses was far beyond my income. But the Tyre itself is critical so i have no choice to change it as soon as possible. Luckily, we didn't use Myvi on our trip to Ipoh -> Bukit Mertajam -> Kulim.

Well there goes my money. My car also want to have some new things on it. :)

Meanwhile, it's been a while that i planned to get Adriana a children telekung. She has been following us with Awahbat (Allahuakbar). Here's a picture of her with the new telekung. So cute.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri part 1

It wasn’t too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin. I was too busy and have no time to update this blog.

This year Raya, I’ve been travelling a lot. One day before the Aidilfitri, I was still working and just after the office hour, immediately I went back to my mother in law house in Teluk Panglima Garang, Banting (not far away from the murder location of Sosilawati).

After some photo sessions and just after the Friday prayer, I drove back to my hometown in Ipoh. We reached Ipoh at around 5.45p.m. The traffic as usual, is smooth.

All my family members gathered at Mak Long house since my grandmother house (which was the normal place to gather) still under construction. This was the original look of my grandmother house.

The next day, as early as 7.00a.m I need to go back to my father hometown in Bukit Mertajam, Penang. Reason being that we need to depart early is because we are having a family gathering for all the siblings of my grandmother in Kulim Kedah. It was nice to see all the family members turned up during that day. The event finished around 5.00 p.m. And after Isyak we decided to drive back to Ipoh. On that day itself, I’m driving Ipoh -> Bukit Mertajam -> Kulim -> Bukit Mertajam -> Ipoh. Easily my new car mileage which was originally around 1k++ reach close to 3000 during the Aidilfitri.

I'll update later since now it's time to start working.

Two weeks ago

It's a bit late actually. I was too busy to update the blog and this is the only chance i have since i arrived at the office early today at around 7.45 a.m. Still have about one hour before start working.

Two weeks we got our new baby (not the real baby). It was a tough decision actually to let go my wife litte kancil. However, as per advised from my mother, we have to let it go since it's already close to 10 years and my wife needs to go outstation quite frequent lately.
I managed to sold the car for RM6500.00 and after full settlement of the remaining loan, we only left with RM300. Hahahahah.

Once we let go the car, it took us about 2 weeks to decide which car should we buy. At first i was thinking of VIOS, unfortunately due to financial constraint that car definitely not an option. Then, i did consider a second hand car. But it was not really advised by my father unless you know whose the owner.

So after we finally decide, that option still hard to get. I have to wait for 3 months since it's a special edition. So, in the end we end up with the normal one. I was hoping to get the same registration number like my Myvi 9496 but i only managed to get 9444.

New Bike

When I received the bonus last time, I planned to buy a new motorbike. Unfortunately, there are some other urgent things that I need to settle up first.

Even though the desire still there, but financially not really suitable for now. I need to clear up some of my debts first before thinking of new debts.

Buying a motorbike could cost me about RM2k just for the down payment. Since then, I switch my target to get at a bicycle. Hehehe. And won’t cost that much. Maybe around RM300. However, till now I still didn’t buy the bicycle. Hope to get one before the fasting month, so that it will be easier for me to go to the nearby surau.

Something surprisingly happens last Saturday. While window shopping around Carrefour Wangsa Maju, I noticed an exercise bike with a very reasonable price. Plus, it also available under Zero interest easy payment scheme. Without any hesitation I bought the exercise bike and here’s how it looks like:

However, since I bought the bike, it was not an easy task to use it. Reason being, my two and a half year old daughter always wants to play with. I can only use it while she was asleep. Here’s a look of my daughter playing with it, though she can’t really reach the pedal.

Last but not least, a quote from Biggest loser. Guys, by the time you see me next time, I’ll be fitter, slimmer and thinner. Hahahahaha. I’m not joking since this is one of this year resolution of mine. Peace

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers