Counting Days
It has been a really wonderful experience for the past one year plus. To be exact, it was 1 year, 4 months and 10 days. I'm really proud to be pioneer and part of the newly established security teams here.
Looking at my new job. It will be new challenges for my career path.
I've been with consultation vendors, banks and last but not least GLC. This time, I will be in telecommunication line. It's a good opportunity as it will make me a better equipped person.
Last but not least, I wish everyone in KWAP a successful path for the future.
Who knows, we might come into the same path again in the future.
My 31st Birthday
Last Sunday meant I'm already 31 years old. This time, I've taken two days leave on Thursday and Friday last week. We went to Melaka. We stayed one in A Famosa Resort and the other night at Hatten Hotel. usual, every time I went to Melaka I will never missed to taste Asam Pedas as well as Ikan Bakar near Muara Sungai Duyung.
As for this year birthday, I got a special gift from my wife.
It's something that really want have it and try to play around with it.
Can you guess what is it?
But, frankly I think it will take some time for me to master it and maybe months or years to even dream of taking some part time jobs with it. Just kidding. Not in my plan to do this for part time jobs. I have some better things to earn part time income.Will share about it later in my next post.
Well, this is actually the present and it's good one for a beginner like me I guess.

And for the birthday cake...I did snap it with this new gadget but haven't upload it yet. Maybe later.
As usual, my daughter Adriana will always thinks that it was her birthday and she's the one blowing the candle.
I forgot to mentioned that, I have participated in a contest organized by the company. It's called Fit & Fab Challenge. I almost managed to join it last year, only to be eliminated last minute. This competition is almost the same like Biggest Loser competition. Hehehehhehe.
For your information, I've been losing weight quite consistently from my diet as well all the exercises. And it's almost come to the finale. With original 17 contestants now only left with 11 and proud to say I'm one of it. But, shocking things happen, we have official weight in every Monday. Last Monday I didn't lost weight at all but I increased by 1.2kg. Surely because I ate too much Asam Pedas, Ikan Bakar and the cakes. Now I have to buckle up before the final weight in this 27/6/2012. Wish me luck
U Turn
All of sudden you realized it was not the right way or perhaps you missed a junction.
Then a U turn would be the best possible way.
Hehehehe...I'm not writing about road signage or how to get to a certain direction.
Remember on my last post, I did mentioned that I got an offer and after deep considerations I have turned down the offer. In case you forgot:
Hi Jefferey,
After further discussions with my wife, I have decided not to accept the offer.
I admit that the offer is quite tempting, but looking at the current perks and benefits that I enjoyed in my current company, I don't think it's worth a gamble.
Again, thank you for the opportunity.
On the same day I sent the email, I received a reply from them. But I don't think I can put it here. But part of the email looks like this:
In the end, I have accepted the offer and tender my resignation. I have to admit leaving KWAP definitely a tough decision. I feel the same when I left SCAN last time. But I have no choice. Perhaps this might be the one and only opportunity I had. Unless KWAP can improve my current package if not counter offer it. I don't know.....but I think it's almost impossible. Officially, my last day will be 20th July 2012 and I have agreed to start on 24th July 2012.
I was told that I would be the last contestant, however it changed last minute.
As a result, I forgot some sentence due to panic. Hahahaha.
I shouldn't be blame for that right.
In the end, I just managed to get a consolation prize.
Here's the prize that I won. Not bad huh?
As the topic of my post - result, there's something I would like to share.
Two weeks ago I got a call from recruitment company. They got an opportunity in of the Telcos in Malaysia.
No harm, I simply went for the informal meet up with the Director of IT (an american guy).
Frankly, it wasn't so hard as all the questions asked are related to my current job.
Surprisingly, the same day I got a call from the recruitment company saying that I've been shortlisted and the section head would like to meet up. I can't afford to take any more leave and they agreed with just phone interview. We had a chit chat and he briefly explain all the jobscope.
The next day, the recruitment company came back with the offer. And to surprise me, they offer me 35% increase from my current salary. The work location will be just 10 minutes away from my house. Until now, I haven't come out with any decision or result for the offer. So what's your thought?
Update 4/5/2012
An email received yesterday
Hi Wan,
I hope that it will be a favourable response on your side as we are really looking forward to having you here.
I will be awaiting your response tomorrow.
My response today
Hi Jefferey,
After further discussions with my wife, I have decided not to accept the offer.
I admit that the offer is quite tempting, but looking at the current perks and benefits that I enjoyed in my current company, I don't think it's worth a gamble.
Again, thank you for the opportunity.
Little Apartment
This was my first house. I bought it back in 2008 when I got shares from SCAN Associates. I still remember when I sold some units of my shares and managed to put a 10% down payment for it. During that time, my budget would be a house below RM100k and I managed to buy it for RM91k. During that time, with an income of less than RM2k per month, it's definitely a big sacrifice. I have to control all my expenses.

Last year, I've decided to sell the house. Reason being? I plan to upgrade my current house. But I'm not too sure about it now. A bit regret actually. The price for new properties is totally crazy nowadays. I was wondering what would be the price for a house by the time our children wants to buy it in the future.
I advertised the house for RM115K. Few months have passed, now the entire process almost comes to an end. I will surely miss my little apartment.
5th Anniversary
On the eve of my anniversary (Friday 6th April), I was planning to go and buy for something which I've been thinking about it earlier. Unfortunately, all of sudden I was hit by a high fever. I was shaking quite badly. And my wife brings me to see the Doctor. My body temperature reach 39.1 degrees. Doctor immediately gave me an injection to lower down the temperature.
The next day, I felt a bit OK and I bring my wife for some Arabic / Yemeni lunch at Hadramawt. But that night, my body again feels uncomfortable. The doctor did remind me to do some blood test should my fever does not improve. And alhamdulillah, as at today the temperature is down just that I still feel some pain on my muscle.
This morning, I received a card from my wife. Thank you so much dear. Love you so much.

Poem Recitation......Again?
You can read it HERE.
Actually, I thought I managed to escape the session last time. Unfortunately, today I received an email from my Head of IT to represent IT for this year contest.
Eventhough the email from him sounds like this:
"Azhar, Can you take this role?"
Does it sound like a I have a choice to turned it down.
Looks like I have to start all over again. Seriously, now I can only remember the first sentence.
Not even the first paragraph.
Summary Update
Last month was my eldest daughter birthday. Her 4th birthday. We decided to organize some “kenduri” for her birthday as well as aqiqah for my baby. Alhamdulillah it was a successful event eventhough the number of turn up was not too high since during that day it was raining heavily. A picture of Irdhina (take it from Saufi blog)
Last month as well I received my bonus. Hehehehe. Alhamdulillah. Even though it was just on a pro rated basis. Last year I missed out the bonus from Bank Muamalat. So to receive it this year, really excites me. I managed to settle my credit card debts and spend some for my wife and two of my daughter. Not to forget for my parents as well.
Earlier this month month KWAP organized their annual dinner. And the themes are The Great Gatsby (1920's). I rented out a suit from a costume shop. I didn’t plan to buy one since I’ll be using it for only once. Lots of prizes were given away. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of it. The guest artist during that night was Flop Poppy and Dayang Nur Faizah. I was lucky enough to get a special pose with Dayang.
Lately, I’ve been receiving quite a number of calls from recruitment company offering some job opportunity. I’m not sure where and how they managed to get my details. Funny thing, I did receive a call for the same position from 3 different companies. I’m not sure whether I should move on or not.
Last but not least, I have been in KWAP for one year on 15 March 2012. Now my immediate supervisor is doing my confirmation. Surprise? Yes. The probation period here is one year. Once I got my confirmation, the notice period will be 3 months. That’s the only difference. Hahahhaha
Remember that I did mentioned that so far the company didn't get back to me.
Surprisingly, last Thursday I did received a call from them.
They did improve on the terms and perks based on my concern before.
In fact they offer me a higher position than the previous offer. But the minimum expected base salary still short of my request.
I have to admit, it is the toughest decision to made.
After some discussions with my wife, my parents and some solat istikharah, I have decided to turned down the offer. Perhaps, I was not destined to join them.
It all started end of 2011, I went for the Hackers Halted conference (which I got it for FREE thanks to EC Council Academy). I did met one of my ex colleague in SCAN Associates. He did mentioned that his company was looking for someone and he asked me to submit mine.
I just submitted it and the next day they call for an interview.
To make it short......I got the job. Seriously it really surprised me. Not that I don't have the confidence it just that from the story that I heard the "boss" have been interviewed few other candidates but none was selected. From there I conclude that surely it is a tough position to be filled in.
I have to admit, for learning and improve my skills it's definitely a good place to go. However, the offer and the perks offered slightly below my expectations. After some deep thinking I have to reject the offer but they are willing to negotiate and surprising, the boss itself give me a call try to persuade me. They were hoping to come out with a good package for me but until now, I haven't heard any news from them. Perhaps they can't meet my expectation or even come close to it. Maybe I was not destined to join them. By the way, thanks to my ex colleague for the opportunity.
New Year 2012
Its only 5th day of the new year. So i guess it wasn't too late for me to wish Happy New Year 2012 to everyone. usual every year, definitely we will come up with some resolution. And whether we achieved it or not is another thing.
So a quick recap from my last year resolution.
1) Lose weight – Achieved. I did managed to lose some weight. You can refer it here
2) Save extra money – I will contribute extra to my ASB and tabung haji. I guess I need to focus on gold investment right now - Achieved. Extra contribution in ASB and bought some gold
3) Performing Solat eary. Not delaying it - This one I think sometimes a failed
4) Travel – at least one oversea trip - Achieved. Went to Hong Kong and Singapore
5) Buy a motorbike – my new workplace located in the golden triangle area. Public transport is quite far. I’ll try first driving there - Achieved. Buy Modenas GT128. One year left to settle the loan
6) New family members perhaps. since Adriana nearly 3 years old - Achieved - New baby Wan Alya Irdhina.
7) Debt free especially on credit card - Failed. Quite hard since there are times when credit card always to the rescue.
As for this year. Nothing much actually. Most of it almost the same like last year. So this year I plan not to mentioned on it again
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- wanrulez
- Ramai orang panggil aku wan...So tak kisahlah korang nak panggil apa...asalkan tak lari dari scope nama aku sudahlah.
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